The Pro-Ccp Survey Study Done by Ash Center Was Implemented by a Chinese Polling Firm

9 months ago

04/26/2024 Ava on Grant Stinchfield Show: The Ash Center at the Harvard Kennedy School received billions of gifts and donations from the CCP. So they published a longitudinal study which said that over 90 percent of the Chinese people are satisfied with the CCP government. This survey is designed by Ash Center, but is implemented by a reputable Chinese domestic polling firm which is run by a CCP spy.
04/26/2024 Ava做客Grant Stinchfield Show:哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院阿什中心收受了中共数十亿美元捐赠。因此他们发表了一项调查研究报告,称超过90%的中国民众对中共政府感到满意。这项调查由阿什中心设计,但实施者是中共国一家知名的民调公司,该公司是由一位中共间谍运营的。

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