Referee by Nick Perry. BBC RADIO DRAMA

10 months ago

Afternoon Drama: Referee
First broadcast: Fri 13th May 2011, 14:15 on BBC Radio 4 FM
By Nick Perry
Geoff is football referee at the top of his profession. But after a controversial game, he's heavily criticised and dropped from the upcoming Cup Final. Geoff's frustration builds and his scruples are soon tested.

Geoff . . . . . Mark Addy
Don . . . . . Ralph Ineson
Koch . . . . . Andrew Scott
Pritchard . . . . . Sean Baker
Lisa . . . . . Denise Gough
Karen . . . . . Sally Orrock
Jamie . . . . . Rielly Newbold
Manager . . . . . Brian Bowles
Players . . . . . Stuart McLoughlin & Daniel Rabin

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko.

Studio Managers: Colin Guthrie and Mike Etherden
Editors: Caleb Knightley and Peter Ringrose
Production Co-ordinator: Selina Rea

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