Creepy maintenance man is busted! Doesn't do the work on video.

9 months ago

This is a video of my apartment complex maintenance man, "Tim", who was supposed to change all the batteries to all the smoke detectors in my apartment complex. He's a creep, I've had a few bad experiences with him before this. A police officer gave me the idea of putting a security camera inside my apartment to watch my kitchen door after I thought someone had broken into my apartment several months ago so I had called police. Thankfully that was solved, but the idea stayed in my head so I had a little security camera sitting on my desk which was not evident. I put it there to see when the maintenance man was done changing the batteries so I would know when I could come home and avoid him completely. The creep walks in, looks in my bedroom, turns around and comes out saying "shit!" and walks out of my building. He never changed the smoke detector batteries. He is a major creep and I hope he gets fired!

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