CCP Supply Russia Not Only Weapons but Also Money From Day One of Ukraine-Russia War

5 months ago

04/26/2024 Ava on Grant Stinchfield Show: The CCP has been supplying Russia not only weapons and components of weapons, but also giving them basically money from the day one of this Ukraine and Russia war. It is therefore obvious who is waging war against Ukraine, Ukrainian people and the security of Europe as a whole.
04/26/2024 Ava做客Grant Stinchfield Show:从俄乌战争的第一天起,中共不仅向俄罗斯提供武器和武器零部件,还基本上给予他们资金支持。因此,显而易见可以看出是谁在对乌克兰、乌克兰人民以及整个欧洲的安全发动战争。

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