Kung Fu Sock Episode 34 - Friendship Repair (English Dub) [Higher Quality Version] [Revised Reupload]

10 months ago

Kung Fu Sock Episode 34 - Friendship Repair (English Dub) [Higher Quality Version] [Revised Reupload]

Heres a much Higher Quality version of one of my Fav Episodes of "Kung Fu Sock" (Kung Fu Wa!) I recently found on Kimcartoons:P


One of the reasons that this is one of my fav episodes is because this is one of the few episodes to solely Focus on Princess and the 2 Twins "Hua Hua" and "Xi Xi" in a starring Role Episode with Tee Zeng only playing a small Minor role in this episode,always enjoy:P

Kung Fu Wa Episode 34

天真与功夫袜 E34 - 修复的友情

Kung Fu Wa (ENG) Episode 34 - Friendship Repair

After Princess's minions make a mistake at the last rehearsal for a performance and they say that Princess has no friends, Princess and her minions began to break up. Now Princess wants to make them think that she has friends.



another reupload of my Fav Episode of Kung Fu Wa/Kung Fu Sock,only this time I made some rather unique New changes,which I added some music from the 80's Teen Movie "Teen Witch" (Most Popular Girl and Finest Hour) in addtion to using music from Several Episodes from Seasons 6 and 7 from The Real Ghostbusters Cartoon and Music from the Heartbeats (Instrumentals) Album by Coastal:

Most Popular Girl


Finest Hour


Heartbeats (Instrumentals) Album - Forever [By the Coastals]


The Real Ghostbusters (Season 7) Episode 3 - Attack of the B-Movie Monsters [Music composed by Thomas Chase and Steve Rucker]




Fox Kids Saturday Mornings 2024

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