Closing Churches, Why?

10 months ago

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore has recently announced that 40 churches would close in Baltimore, the foundational diocesese of the United States. Really a sad situation. Why did this happen. In my opinion, the Catholic Church has gotten away from being the Catholic Church, it has largely blended in with society. The Catholic Church is growing in Africa. The bishops there teach the true Catholic Faith, not watered down. That is the key. With some exceptions, the Catholic Churchg in the U.S. is just a go through the motions event for Mass where there is not much sacredness. Yes, the Novus Ordo is legit, but it has turned into largely a social gathering with all sorts of casual outfits being worn. The sacredness and holiness has much diminished with most receiving the Eucharist in the hand. The Catholjc Church has to return to being a beautiful expression of the sacred that the Latin Mass brings about. Why did the Mass have to change? Mass attendance was over 75 percent in the U.S. before Vatican II, it is now around 28 percent. Multitudes of priests and nuns left after Vatican II and the seminaries saw a major decline in seminarians.
Sacred beauty is such an important part of worship, as the man y stunningly beautiful Catholic Churches in Europe show. Unfortunately, major of those churches are largely empty except for tourists. The Catholic Church had problems before Vatican II, it is a human institution, but it has come off the rails since Vatican II. The Latin Mass is the only area of the Catholic Church that is growing, but Pope Francis has greatly curtailed it since Pope Benedict XVI issued Summorum Pontificum, that allowed all priests to say the Latin Mass without permission of their bishop. Francis is part of the leftist ilk that shut it down during Vatican II. It can be hoped that his mindset is fading away. It ;Ike is and Summorum Pontificum will last through the ages. As Pope Benedict said, the Latin Mass was never abrogated, nor can it be.

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