10 months ago

Sushi for Robots is a whimsical puzzle game aboutquirky robots and their insatiable cravings for sushi -how they actually process it is a mystery, but hey, ifthat makes them happy. As the seasoned chef of thefavorite sushi venue in Robot Town, it's up to you toget the perfect dish in time for each of your pickypatrons, placing the right stickers on the conveyorbelts to change one tuna roll into a salmon nigiri.

Press play to see if your strange contraption candeliver food in time to the clients. And don't forget totake a break between challenges to listen to theconversation between three friends that come to yourrestaurant every week. Will they get involved in someconvoluted plot? Absolutely not, these are just tinystories about goofy robotic friends hanging out.

. Accessible puzzles that never get too long or
. An open system that encourages experimentation
and finding creative solutions.
. Beautiful art that depicts an odd world where robots
go to messy sushi restaurants.A light-hearted narrative about friends that gettogether for their weekly dinner Intuitive touch screen
Supported Languages: English and Spanish

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