Fresh&Fit Live Event w/ Special Guests

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0:00 : Preview...
16:00 : Show begins!🔥
17:00 : Special Guests Introductions
19:00 : This is how you turn your life around!!💪
22:00 : Check out Bandman Kevo on Onlyfans!
23:00 : How do you define success?
29:00 : Wes Watson Vs. Andrew Wilson
31:00 : Show gets heated 🔥😳
34:00 : Wes goes after another guest
37:00 : Show gets heated again🔥
39:30 : Fresh&Fit definition of success
43:00 : Miguel's morning routine for success
44:00 : Jim & Andrew's morning routine for success
45:00 : Wes Watson’s morning routine for success
51:00 : Charlie’s morning routine for success
53:00 : Bandman Kevo’s morning routine for success
55:00 : Wes almost gets violent on stage
57:00 : Myron’s morning routine for success
59:00 : Fresh’s morning routine for success
1:01:00 : Superchats!
1:02:00 : What’s the best way to market your business today?
1:07:00 : Wes talks about how he turned his life around from prison
1:10:30 : Clips & Shorts are the new meta
1:15:00 : Find your tribe
1:16:30 : Myron drops bombs on how to be a successful creator?
1:22:30 : Audience talks to the panel
1:33:00 : How to find a group of like minded guys?
1:35:00 : Rules for guys in their 20’s
1:36:30 : W FRESH! Put that c*ndom on…
1:38:00 : Wes Watson on how to become undeniable
1:39:00 : Do your hardest workouts on Fridays and Saturdays
1:40:00 : Guy wants to start a hedge fund
1:42:30 : Shoutout to Canada 🇨🇦
1:45:00 : Which political party is more supportive towards businesses?
1:48:30 : Consistency Vs. Motivation
1:52:00 : Success loves speed
1:53:30 : How to network with people & build value?
1:57:00 : Wes calls him a cupcake🧁🤣 - LIFT YOUR SHIRT UP!!
2:00:00 : If you are the smartest in the room, you are a FOOL!
2:02:00 : It’s Player VS. Player out here
2:03:00 : Shoutout to the Ice Cream guy 🧁
2:04:30 : PAUSE! Myron 💀
2:05:00 : If you started from ZERO, how would you become successful today?
2:08:00 : Myron cooks🔥- Be good at something & sell it to other people
2:09:00 : How to kill it as an editor/filmmaker?
2:12:00 : Hit this guy up if you wanna get laid!
2:16:00 : Superchats! / Shoutout to Sneako!
2:17:00 : Being Humble is for the weak!
2:18:00 : Final thoughts on the show
2:22:00 : Outro!

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