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Prophet Julie Green - A Fallout Has Begun - Captions
The Lord proclaims a time of upheaval where nations will fall, governments will implode, and the truth will emerge, shaking the globalist agenda and exposing widespread deception. God warns of a fallout that the enemies cannot stop, with judgment raining down on those who oppose Him. He assures His children not to fear, as He will protect them from the impending chaos. The Lord foretells a flood of information that will reveal corruption and treason within governments and intelligence agencies, orchestrated by a global cabal. He predicts a great shaking of the establishment, with more whistleblowers coming forward, particularly highlighting the Biden administration's role in a planned attack to undermine the United States. The Lord asserts that every stolen thing, including the presidency, will be returned, and the truth will dismantle the enemy's lies and apparent control, demonstrating His supreme power.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 93:1-5
Isa. 55:11
Ps. 91:1-16
Prov. 16:18
Job 22:28
2 Kings 6:16-17
Hag. 2:6-9
John 8:32
John 16:33
2 Tim. 1:7
Neh. 8:10
God is working. God is moving. He is still the same God.
The same God that made a way in the Bible, is the same God that is alive and He is here today. Keep believing. Keep rejoicing.
God allows things to happen so He gets the glory and also to show us that our adversaries are not in control.
God is the God of justice.
No one will overrule God. He is the same God. The Most High God. There is no one greater than our God.
Creation cannot outsmart or overthrow the Creator.
God is eternal.
The enemy wants to deceive, distract and destroy.
Don't fall for the enemy's lies and traps.
Call down God's glory down. God's glory is His: Presence, power, and goodness.
God orders His angels to protect you EVERYWHERE.
Pray, decree, and declare Psalm 91 over yourself and your loved ones.
God needs you to declare and decree the right words. Blessings and Life.
Things will shake: Politically, civilly, economically, naturally.
If Satan can’t steal your joy, he can’t keep your goods.
Fortress: a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison; a person or thing not susceptible to outside influence or disturbance.
Cascade: a process whereby something, typically information or knowledge, is successively passed on; a small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope.
Armament: military weapons and equipment; the process of equipping military forces for war.
Unconventional: different from what is usual or the norm of how things are usually done; not bound by or in accordance with convention; being out of the ordinary.
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday. March 22nd of 2022. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live stream today. I'm so excited to give you the word of the Lord and to give you some more encouragement today, because we know that God is working. We all know that God's moving and we shouldn't, I was just listening to the song called the same God.
And it said if you're not done moving, then I'm not done waiting. And if you're not done working, then I'm not done praising. I think that is such a powerful, powerful song. I listened to it a lot when there are certain things going on in my own life, but also just to get me kind of like in that up and beaten, I don't care what's going on type of mode.
And I just put on that, that worship song. I just, I just praise and thank God that he's still the same God, that he is still the same God, He is still moving. He is still working. And so we should still be praising because we know that God wins, that we know that God's in control. We know that God has something to say about everything that we are seeing in the earth today.
And of course we also know that God wins. And that's one thing I think I should be like, just shouting from the rooftops to everybody. And I think everybody should be doing it too, is that we should be saying God wins. If the devil says nothing's going to be done about it. Nope. God wins. It doesn't matter what our circumstances say.
It doesn't matter what our governments are saying. God wins. And so I just wanted to encourage you with that today. And again, I wrote down some of the lyrics for this song. I just thought that was a powerful revelation. It says, I don't need another reason and I don't need more convincing. The same God who made a way is the same God.
Who is here today. So we can look at all the the Bible scriptures, all the scriptures in the Bible that talk about and show that God made a way. And so what we do is when you realize that the same God who made a way in the, in the word of God, in the Bible is the same God who is alive. And he is here today.
He's here working. He's here moving. And what we had to do is keep on believing because our enemy wants us to be distracted with all these different things. So we stop believing. So we stop receiving. So we stop rejoicing because that's what our enemy hates. So then it goes on in this, in this song, again, it's called the same God, and it goes on even more lyrics and it says.
Even in my darkest moments, this will be the truth. I'm holding what the same God who made away is the same God who's here today. So even in our darkest moments, we should be holding on to that truth. That God is the same God who made a way before and he's the same God who is here today. So I wanted to share some of those lyrics with you.
It's just a powerful, powerful song. It's called the same God. And of course there's part of the scripture that says there's no one higher. There's no one greater. And there is no one like our God. So if we knew there's no one higher. There's no one greater and there's no one like our God, then we can laugh in the midst of all this adversity and say, I don't really care.
I don't really care what they're saying. I don't really care what they're doing because there is no one higher. There is no one greater and there is no one like our God. Okay, I think you should all listen to that song because it is a powerful Powerful song again, it's called the same God. Okay now I'm gonna get into this prophetic word today This is the one I was actually going to give out yesterday and then the Lord changed it and there was a more powerful Another powerful word.
I shouldn't say more powerful because they're all powerful. But there was another powerful word that the Lord gave live on air yesterday. And if you guys missed it, go back and watch that one. As you guys could tell, it was hard for me to get through it. Sometimes it's, I try so hard not to cry.
I promise you. But that anointing just comes on that compassion of the Lord. And. I just don't have another option. So, I just tried to cry, you know, try to stop crying so I can get through what the Lord is saying. But anyway, God's an awesome guy and there was no one higher and there was no, there was no one like him.
All right. Now this prophetic word for today today is called A Fallout Has Begun - A Fallout Has Begun, and I heard this word on March 16th of 2024. So just, you know, how many days, six days ago a fallout has begun. And I'll explain this a little bit more. Obviously, once I get through reading it to you it's another powerful word.
And I'm excited to give you the scriptures that God has given me this morning. Wows and study and prayer. Regarding this word and regarding what I should be saying out today in his life, this live show with him. All right, now it says, again, this is called A Fallout Has Begun For I The Lord
this day, I'm telling my children, this is a time for nations to fall governments to implode exposures to explode and chaos to fill the hearts of the ones who are against me. A great resistance is gaining steam and will continue to grow against your enemies. Your enemies are realizing they're losing control over the masses.
They can no longer control them with their lies and their news media or even the control they had over many generations. Because the education system worldwide, how they changed the beliefs and the mindsets of children through great deception and manipulation, but it's not working as planned. They see people are waking up to the truth that would, what they were taught.
It's all a lie.
A fallout has begun. And your enemies can't stop the damage and judgment that is coming their way. It's all about to blow up in their faces, you would say. The coming damage to the globalist agenda will be catastrophic. And they will all know that I Am the one true living God. Sayeth the Lord of hosts.
Things are about to get messy. It will look like all over the globe. Remember these words judgment is raining down against your enemies and it will look worse before it gets better. Do not fear because I Am your fortress and your protector. This judgment that is shaking this earth is shaking you from your enemies.
demonic control.
A cascade of information is about to flood news reports. And airwaves worldwide, great destruction. It will bring to the Washington establishment and to their global tyranny.
Arraignment this word will be in your news for a significant reason. Oh, sorry. Armament armament. I said that wrong armament. This word will be in your news for a significant reason. See who has been equipping your enemies and how many in your government. are guilty of treason. So again, that word is armament.
Operation Mockingbird will be exposed. Coming explosive proof on all the corruption and manipulation coordinated attempts. By your intelligence agencies directed by the Washington establishment and the global regime. The doors are about to be opened wide in a floodgate of truth to prove the war of disinformation and chaos they brought to this nation to destroy it once and for all.
for their global control.
My children, a great shaking is coming to the establishment that has been lording over this nation and it's coming to an abrupt end. More whistleblowers and border security are about to destroy the narrative of the Biden and his so called administration. Paid in a plan, a paid in a planned attack orchestrated by the cabal.
Trying to ruin your country or United States. All the money and all the participants are about to be put in the spotlight. And the world will see, well, sorry, that we put in the spotlight to the world and the world will see by me, says the Lord. So the Lord is the one who is going to put it in the spotlight.
Is that's what he's saying. I didn't copy that wrong. So I apologize. I Am not done exposing a situation in Georgia with Fannie Willis. I will show how the Biden and all who are with him and all who are. Yes, with him and their hands in all these indictments and have their hands in election interference on a scale no one has ever seen before.
I told you every thief must return what they have stolen. They stole an entire nation. And not only is this nation being set free, but it is, but also is the seat of the president in unconventional ways. The transfer of power and presidents will be done by me, sayeth the Lord of hosts. My children brace for a great impact that is coming of truth to destroy every lie of the enemy and their so called power and control over you.
I will show you the optics, the staging, the actors, and how fake this charade was to pull off the greatest coup ever attempted upon this earth. This is all about to end for all to see. That there is no one greater than Me, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, we have been learning over and over and over again that God allows certain things to happen So that he is the one first of all who gets the glory that's not going to be any man But also he is going to show you That man or that global governments or that tyrannical unruly rogue governments are not in control.
He lets them have their way. They think they're getting their way. Really is for their ultimate fall, their ultimate destruction. And can we can see that many times in the word of God and remember, he keeps bringing up the scripture of continuously of Psalms chapter 33 and verse 10, how he brings the council of the nations to nothing and makes their plans Of no effect.
So as we see what they're doing, as we see what they are doing to our nations, to our freedoms, it is appalling is absurd. It is not justice, but we have to know that God is the God of justice. Now we were on our prayer call yesterday morning and our CEO, Mary Lou put actually, and had us read Psalm 93 in the CEV translation.
And I had to write that down immediately because as soon as she started reading it that just spoke Just volumes into my heart that i'm like I have to read this tomorrow on the live show So, the first scripture today is psalm 91 that i'm going to read out of I just quoted psalm 33 But I want you guys to turn to psalm 93 Psalm 93, and I'm going to read this out of the C.
E. V. translation. The Lord keeps having me go to that translation lately. The C. E. V. translation, and this is Psalm 93. There's only five verses. It says, Our Lord, you are our king. Majesty and power are your royal robes. But you put the world in place, and it will never be moved. You have always ruled, and you are eternal.
The ocean is roaring, Lord. The sea is pounding hard. Verse 4. Its mighty waves are majestic. But you are even more majestic and you rule over all. Verse five, your decisions are firm and your temple will always be beautiful and holy. So right here again, it says that you have always ruled. And you are eternal.
That means no one is going to overrule God. Again, he is the same God. He is the most high God. There is no one like our God. There is no one greater than our God. And he's the one who rules. He's the one, again, you have always ruled, and you are eternal. He's the creator. Creation can't overrule, overpower outsmart God, who is the creator.
Creation, they can think that all they want. But they're never going to outsmart, they're never going to overthrow, they're never going to get rid of God. They want to very desperately, they always have, Satan always has since he was Lucifer in heaven. He's always wanted to overthrow God. It's never going to happen.
But then it says in verse five, this is Psalm 93 in verse five in the CEV. It says your decisions are firm and your temple will always be beautiful and holy. So I want to read this out of
I'm going to read this out of the amplified as well, Psalm 93.
And verse one, I'm gonna read all of it in the amplified, the classic amplified edition. This is Psalm 91 or Psalm 93. The Lord reigns. He is clothed with majesty. The Lord is robed. He has girded himself with strength and power. The world also is established, that it cannot be moved. Verse 2. Your throne is established from of old.
You are from everlasting. Verse 3. The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice. The floods lifted up their roaring of their waves. Verse four, the Lord on high is mightier and more glorious than the noise of many waters. Yes, and the mighty breakers in the waves of the sea. Verse five, your testimonies are very sure.
Holiness and apparent and separation from sin with simple trust and hearty obedience is becoming to your house. Oh Lord forever. So right here is talking about the majesty of God, how powerful God is, how there is no one greater than him and he's everlasting. That means he's deathless and that's never going to change.
God is eternal and the enemy wants to overthrow him, wants to kick him out and wants us to forget that he's mightier, wants us to forget that there is no one greater, the enemy wants us to forget that there is no one like our God. He doesn't want us to remember these things. Because he wants us to be looking to him and he wants us to be in fear and he wants us to turn away from God so we can't receive what God has for us.
He wants to deceive, distract, and destroy, and we know that. I'm also going to read Psalm 91. Remember, he gave us that prophetic word that was very, very strong yesterday on how things are going to change. And he doesn't want people to be blindsided. He wants people to pay attention to what he's saying. He wants people to heed the warnings that he's been giving this earth and giving this nation.
And he's saying that everything that can be shaken will be. And yesterday specifically, he was talking about one of the signs was the eclipse. And he's talking about everything that will be shaken, including this nation. And he gave a warning to the United States of America. And he said, it's going to shake politically.
It's going to shake civilly. It's going to shake economically. And then it was going to shake naturally. So there's four different ways. He specifically said that there was going to be a shaking. And so we need to know that the shaking is supposed to bring a great awakening to God's people. He's also said it to us continuously that we are not partakers of that shaking.
It is to wake us up and to get our attention, but it's not to cause destruction or damage to us. Now, in Psalm 91, I'm going to read the whole entire chapter in the C. E. V. translation. Psalm 91, this is the perfect, perfect prayer, if we just get in and realize in these scriptures. That God is our protection.
So if we're praying, I thank you, father, God, it says in Isaiah 55, 11, that your word is not returned. You avoid. So in the time of shaking, how it's going to shake in every way, shape or form, it says in your written word. In Psalm 91, in verse one, and he's, and say, I live under the protection of God, most high and in the shadow of God, all powerful verse two, then you will say, or then I will say to the Lord, You are my fortress, my place of safety.
You are my God, and I will trust you. So first of all, right there, you have wanting to talk about how we are under protection of the most high God, and then we stay in the shadow of God, all powerful. So there's no one more powerful than God. Then verse two, it says, then you say, Say to the Lord, you are my fortress, my place of safety.
You are my God, and I will trust you. Now we've looked up, let's look at the definition before we go on the fortress definition, we're supposed to say, God, you are my fortress. But let's just not just take that for granted. It's not okay. A fortress. Let's look up what this is. A military stronghold. A fortress is a military stronghold, especially strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison.
Another one, it is a person or a thing not susceptible to outside influence. or disturbance. And then that was a definition. If you go to the meaning of fortress is a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from an attack. So God is our fortress. Obviously he's big. There's no one bigger than our God.
He is a large, strong building or group of buildings that can be defended from an attack. God is our fortress. He is impenetrable. And if you can see as an example, he showed himself as that fortress or as that protector. And again, I'm going to go back to that Red Sea again. Because he keeps mentioning it, but it's a great example because as God's children were stuck at the Red Sea, it looked like, and there was no way out because the enemy was right there.
Then you had the Red Sea and then you had a mountain on the side. There was nowhere for them to go, but God was proving to them that he was their protector and he was their fortress because it was like a wall. The enemy could not penetrate that wall and they couldn't go and attack God's people. They were right there.
They could see him. But God put up a wall, that fortress, and Pharaoh and his men were withheld. They were restrained from getting to God's people. He's protecting his people. It was a beautiful thing, I'm sure. If we could see God do that in real life, like right now, if we could just see him just like start pushing everybody back and keeping them at bay, naturally like that.
But he is. keeping them back and holding them at bay because they had way worse plans for us by now. There was way more more casualties, mass deaths worldwide. They wanted more chaos than what we've seen. They wanted the destruction already of this country and all the countries around the world of any of your freedoms.
This is what they've already wanted, but God is holding them back. They're not going to get what they fully desire. Now he put them in a place where he set up traps and they're falling for every single one of these traps. They're falling into them. He said in was it today's or the other days? He said they are falling by their own decisions.
They're going to fall and they're going to crumble or they're going to be crushed because of their own decisions. Because remember pride comes before a fall and he keeps talking about that. So let's go back to Psalm 91. Let's read Psalm 91 in verse 3. The Lord will keep you safe from secret traps and deadly diseases.
We should be saying this and decreeing this every day. I thank you, Lord, that you keep me safe. I thank you, Lord, to keep our family safe. I thank you to keep us safe from every deadly disease. We should be declaring and decreeing. Remember, if you declare and decree a thing, it shall be established. You can find that in Job.
Verse 4. He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure. His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall. If you think about a city wall or even, you know, how big the wall of Jericho was. Jericho, that wall was like six chariots wide. It was massive. You got to think those enemies thought that it was impenetrable.
They thought that that wall walls were meant to protect. They really thought that wall was bigger and stronger. The enemies thought that they could do whatever they wanted and they can get away with everything because the walls they had built up around them for their protection. Well, then God, and you can see the walls of Jericho had come down.
So man's walls and man's protection will eventually fall if it's against God. But if you have God's wall and his protection, It's impenetrable. Nothing is going to get past that wall. Or you can say nothing's going to get past that bloodline, the blood of Jesus Christ. So if you are declaring and decreeing, I thank you father God, you're my fortress.
You're my protection. No deadly disease is going to come into my home. Just think of more people said that back in 2020 seriously, there was so much fear that was brought with it and people were having faith in that disease or in that virus. But they were forgetting that it says right here. The Lord will keep you safe from secret traps and deadly diseases We have to have faith right now in that prophetic word He said it one minute was gonna be normal in the next minute.
It's not so we have to remind ourselves now He's warning us of what's coming. But he's saying look it's not going to affect you that way You do not fall for that trap. Don't follow what the enemy is doing It's not going to be prosperous against you because remember he's our fortress. So it says in verse four, Psalm 91 in verse four says, he will spread his wings over you and keep you secure.
His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall. So his faithfulness, his protection, he's our fortress. He's like, it's like a city wall or border wall that cannot be penetrated. Again, because he's a super natural God, verse five, you won't need to worry about dangers at night or arrows during the day.
Verse six, you won't fear diseases that strike in the dark or sudden disaster at noonday or noon. Verse seven, you will not be harmed though thousands fall all around you. Verse eight, and you're, you're, and with your own eyes. You will see the punishment of the wicked. Verse nine, the Lord. Most high is your fortress.
Again, put it in your own perspective. Say, I thank you, father, God, that you are my fortress. And then it says, run to him for safety. Verse 10, and no terrible disasters will strike you or your home. Do you remember when the Biden said like a week or two ago, again, God said that their tongues were going to be the worst enemies because they were going to start saying the truth when they didn't mean to.
And now we talked about rooftops. That if they were blue, they were safe. And he was talking about lasers or whatever it was. I don't remember exactly what he said, cause I don't listen to really what he says. But it's again, it's what God is bringing up right now. There was blue on rooftops and it saved him from destruction or calamity.
He was talking about the Hawaiian fires and he was talking about another fire somewhere else. And it might've even been the one in Texas. I can't remember and talking about the blue roofs. That was, they were protected. There was no damage to those places. But think about this for a minute right here, what God is saying and no terrible disasters.
We'll strike this I'm sorry. And no terrible disasters will strike you or your home. The enemy protects themselves. Why all around they want destruction for you. Just think about God's protection. No matter how bad the enemy wants to bring destruction, you have guys, a fortress. You have God as your protector.
You have God, you're, you're under his wings. He is shielding you. He's that border wall. He's impenetrable and there's nothing that's gonna get past him. And he's the one you can go to and rely on. Then no matter what happens around you, it's not going to come near your home. And just like with Manuel Johnson, if you guys missed that live show yesterday, go and watch it because one of the things that he was using as a great example that everybody should use is he was calling down the glory in his home.
He was calling the glory in his marriage. His marriage was calling the glory in his neighborhood. And what we know about God's glory, God's glory is God's presence, his power, and his goodness. So if you're calling glory, God's glory in your home, you're calling his presence. In your home, his power in your home, and it is his presence, his power, and his goodness.
And you're calling in his goodness in your home. So when all these things are going around that he's been warning us about, we think to Goshen, and then we go to Psalm 91. And then it says in verse 11, Psalm 91 verse 11, and this is the CEV still translation. God will command his angels to protect you. We have God's angels.
We have guardian angels to protect us just like you saw with Gehazii and Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 7. I'm sorry, 2 Kings chapter 6. 2 Kings chapter 6 and verse 16. It says, 2 Kings Chapter 6, verse 16, says, So he answered, Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. He was talking about the angels.
The guardian angels. And then he says, Verse 17, And Elijah prayed and said, Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see. Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire around Elijah. Fire. The glory of Almighty God. He was their, what?
He was their wall. He was their fortress. He was their protection. And Elijah said, Hey, God, I know you're there. I know that your angel armies are protecting us. But Gazii needs a little help. Will you help him see that I, what I know is there and he saw the chariots of fire and there was more number than there was the enemy.
So if you're reading Psalm 91 in verse 11 and you see, God will command his angels. That's an angel armies because he's the Lord of hosts, the God of angel armies, and just think of chariots. Of fire, the fire and the power and the glory of almighty God and those garden angels and those things are protecting you, they're protecting your home, they're protecting your vehicle, they're protecting wherever you're saying, glory, God, I thank you that you protect me everywhere I go.
If you go into your job every day, I thank you father God, you are protecting my place of business. You are protecting my home or my children's homes. You are protecting father God, my vehicles and everywhere we go. I thank you father God, you protecting my bank account. I thank you father God, you protecting everything.
I thank you father God with your glory and the angel armies are protecting me. And I thank you father God, because you have commanded them. You have commanded them. So if you think, if you have your mind. Set on God. And if you are getting in fear and fear is trying to latch on to you because you're hearing these warnings and God's talking about unconventional ways.
I'm going to get to this proxy back in a minute and read back over it where he says he's going to bring, he's going to change the seat of power, the president and unconventional ways. And you think about all the things that he was saying yesterday about all these things are going to look really, really nasty or really, really bad.
He says it again in this word in a different way, but we should have our hearts. Fixed on God and right here, Psalm 91. Like my parents, my brother served in the military for 31 years and he was, he was everywhere. I mean, everywhere. And my parents always prayed Psalm 91 over my brother, like every day, because no matter where he was fighting, no matter where he was at.
Because he, you know, he could have been in harm's way. We know everything that he was doing, but we just knew that he was and could be at some point in harm's way because he's in, he was all of those nations. My parents prayed Psalm 91, they prayed for his protection and they had faith in that protection.
I heard a story about a man who is, was in command of a military group. And I don't remember exactly what their group is, but these people are the ones who have more casualties and these types of part of the military than any other part of the military. And this man asked this man of God, and he said, before I go over there for two years, I Am in command of, as part of the military, that has the most casualties.
And so one of the things that the man of God said, you proclaim and decree and have your servicemen and women decree and declare Psalm 91 every single day over this platoon or wherever you call them. He says, you call command them to declare Psalm 91, have a memorize it, having to create having to clear it every day.
And when that man came back after two years, Not one of his servicemen and women died in that two year stint because even though they were some of them were Christians But they were still commanded by their superior to speak and declare the Word of God too bad I know they can't do that right now It's in certain ones because of everything that they're trying to do with Taking God out and take the Bible out taking God out of the military There are certain things that are being done to take God out.
Why see what happened? That was a true story. And then after that man came back, it was several months later. He got word that the commander who took over that platoon or took over that group of military men and women, there was different ones who came in. That same type of what they, you know, their job that they had to do overseas.
They did not keep up with Psalm 91 and casualties started again. God's Word is life. God's Word is power. So it's very important now that we're living in is to decree and declare Psalm 91. Now I'm gonna keep going. Psalm 91 in verse 12. Again, this is a CEV. They will carry you in their arms, And you won't hurt your feet on the stones.
Verse 13, you overpower the strongest lions. In the most deadly snakes, verse 14, the Lord says, if you love me and truly know who I Am, I will rescue you. Why do you think that God is getting our attention and letting us know who he is? So he's able to protect us. So we will decree and declare the right things, say the right things.
Because if we're saying, Oh, my back is killing me or all my fear killing me, or all my children are going to be the death of me. And you're saying all these words of death, and you're saying all these things that are contrary to the word of God, it's like God has to just. He can't help because he knows and you should know the enemy knows the power of your words He knows the power of your authority that God has given to you.
God wants us to be in agreement with him That's why we are told to declare and accrete his word and to speak his words All right Now i'm going to keep going in verse 15 psalm 91 in verse 15 says when you are in trouble Call out to me, I will answer and be there. So while we are in trouble, God wants us to call out to him, trust in him and know him because what he will answer and he will be there.
Verse 16 you will live a long life and see my saving power with long life. Will he satisfy us? And so if we know and we put our trust and faith in God and his word, And he's our protector. He's our fortress that he is. We could be on a shadow of his wings that he has as angel armies protecting over us and they are, they are chariots of fire and there is nothing that the enemies can do to stop that power and stop that glory of order to cream that glory with a cream, that power.
And yes, I just want to say to continue with that my brother always came home safe and I truly believe God is the one when he puts these words in our mouth because god will put the words His words in our mouth. He's put those words in his his he's put his words in my mouth. I'll get it right When it came to my own life, when it came to my children's lives, when it came to my family's lives, he's had me in certain specific life and death situations.
Make sure that his words came out of my mouth and not my enemies. So we always need to be declaring decreeing the right words and the words that God needs us to speak. Now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word again.
Okay. So it says for I, the Lord this day, I'm telling my children, this is a time of nation for nations to fall. This is a time. For nations to fall, governments to implode, exposures to explode and chaos to fill the hearts of the ones who are against me. Now he's talking about right here. I want to read you something and I don't know if I have this.
Yes, I do. I had this pulled up in Haggai and the CEV translation, Haggai chapter two and verse six, Haggai chapter two and verse six. says this is what the God of the angel army says or said. You can say also put it in that in the right perspective to that is a Lord of hosts. Now, before you know it, I will shake up the sky and the earth ocean and fields, and I'll shake down all the Godless nations.
They will bring bushels of wealth, and I will fill this temple with splendor. The God of angel armies says so. I own the silver. I own the gold. The decree of God of the angel armies. Verse 9. This temple is going to end up far better than it started out. A glorious beginning, but an even more glorious finish.
A place in which I will hand out wholeness. And holiness, the decree of God of angel armies. So right here, he's talking about the collapse or the shaking of the godless nations. So in the past week or so, cause I was my team members. I think it was Natasha sent it to me. There was two prime ministers or the presidents.
One was I think Ireland and the other one was Vietnam. Two of these leaders. Step down in a week. I don't know if it was the same day or it was in a couple days But it was really close in timing. We have seen Prime ministers. We have seen presidents step down before. Guys, I'm talking about Resignations or people stepping down and those removals we're gonna start coming quicker And they are, that was two in a week time.
I like I said, people may know in the chat if that was like one day or two days, it was like back to back. I know it was really close together. All right, let's keep reading. That was the first paragraph. Let's go to the second. A great resistance is gaining steam and will continue to grow against your enemies.
Your enemies are realizing they are losing control over the masses. They can no longer control them with their lies and news media or even control that they had over many generations. Because the education system worldwide on how they change the beliefs and the mindsets of children through great deception and manipulation, but it's not working as planned.
They see people are waking up to the truth that what they were taught is all a lie. So they've been teaching us for generations. Manipulation. This is not just started over the course of the last 15, 20 years, which we've seen as escalated. Okay. This has been a long time, but we, and like our generation, like my generation, I'm not going to say my generation is because of my age, not to get my age away.
We were taught like not great, but we were definitely not as brainwashed as what they're doing now to children in this education system. It's unbelievable. That's why I took my kids out long ago from public school systems. I would not want my children to be taught the way that they are teaching them.
Okay. Now i'm not saying anything bad against teachers because teachers are forced to teach the curriculum. So i'm not talking bad against them. My sister was a teacher for the longest time All right Now a fallout has begun and your enemies cannot stop the damage and the judgment that is coming their way It's all about to blow up in their faces, you would say.
Now you think of a fallout. I had to look this up. Mike Lord, when I think of a fallout, I think of like with Hiroshima and now Asaki, and the fallout, the damage that happened with the nuclear bomb. That's what I think of, like a, a fallout. So, You see the destruction of what part of where the bomb struck, but it was a fallout.
It was the damage after years and years and years and years. And so when I heard that word fallout, I kept hearing that over and over again. And it says a fallout has begun and your enemies can't stop the damage and the judgment that's coming their way. God's been talking about explosive. Well, you think of a bomb like a nuclear bomb and the damage it can do into that area that it's in, but the damage it can do so far wide away from that destruction zone because of the was it the mushroom cloud or whatever it is and what it can do and how the wind can take it and it can cause more damage to that radiation.
And cause more destruction than just that part of that bomb. So he's talking about, it's all about to blow up in their faces. The coming damage to the globalist agenda will be catastrophic. And they will know that I Am the one true God, living God, say it's the Lord of hosts. Now, again, God is saying he is showing the globalist government or the globalist Regime that he is the one true living God.
Now you can see in times past in the word of God, God showed the enemies of Almighty God that he was the one true God. And he said, then he specifically said in that paragraph, says the Lord of hosts. What do we just learn about the Lord of hosts? The Lord of God, of angel armies. So God and his army, he's not by himself.
God, there's more with God than there is of the enemy and all who is with him.
Things are about to get messy. Now, this is where people have to realize that's why he was just giving us Psalm 91 to put that in perspective to say, Hey, even if things get messy, even if things get crazy, even if things go over, you know, outlandish, things get overbearing, overwhelming, whatever you want to call it when things get overwhelming looking, it's not, not overbearing, but overwhelming.
If you think of this and you say, oh my gosh, If 2020 was bad and this is going to be worse, how am I going to handle this? God is warning us about this. It's things are about to get messy. It will look like all over the globe. Well, you shouldn't care how messy it gets because you have Psalm 91 where God's going to protect you, where God has that shield, that fortress over you.
He's got the angel armies protecting you. So if you have that focus on God, even if things get messy, you won't care. Go back to the thing about how the land of Goshen, it got messy in Egypt. But it wasn't messy in the land of Goshen. God said in his word, he's no respecter of persons. So you say, okay, Lord, you're no respecter of persons.
You protected the land of Goshen. I thank you. You're protecting my home. I thank you father god right now in the name of Jesus that there is no evil gonna gonna fall on my house. Or anyone in my home or my family no matter where my children are no matter what it is I thank you father god for your shield protection.
I thank you father god. You are our fortress I thank you father god that the angel armies are protecting my home and your glory fills my home I thank a thousand they fought one side and ten thousand at another but it will not come near me And it will not come near my family. I thank you father god Your angels protect me whenever I go in my vehicle Wherever I'm in an airplane, whenever I'm in a Uber or whenever I'm in a bus, or no matter what kind of form of transportation, I thank you that your guardian angel protecting me.
I thank you that shield surrounding me. I thank you. See, that is what you need to do everywhere you go. And remind yourself, have that focus. That God is that fortress. He is that protector. He is your shield. He is that wall, that defense wall, that defensive wall, that's gonna keep out your enemy. So even if things get messy, it will look like all over the globe, things are about to get messy.
He's saying, remember these words, that judgment is raining down against your enemies. And it will look worse before it gets better. So things are about to get messy. It will look like all over the globe and he's telling you, don't focus on the messy. That's judgment that's raining down against our enemies.
He's telling you once again in the same paragraph It's gonna look worse before it gets better. But again, we stay focused on psalm 91 in scriptures like that You can even read all the book of Exodus and see where God made a great distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians And God is doing that now.
He's the same God who made a way when there is no other way God is the way because he's the way maker. All right, then he says right after it will look worse before it gets better Do not fear because I Am your fortress And protector this judgment that is shaking this earth Is shaking you from your enemy's demonic control.
So that's why there's a shaking. It's not the same thing that's happening with this country. He said yesterday, how's it going to shake? It's going to shake politically. It's going to shake civilly. It's going to shake economically, and it's going to shake naturally. Those four ways. So when we see those things, we have to realize we are not going to be shaken.
And no matter how messy it looks, God is our fortress and it's shaking us free from that demonic control. Now he says in this next paragraph, a cascade of information is about to flood the news reports and airwaves worldwide and great destruction. It will bring to the Washington establishment. And the global for their global tyranny.
Let me look up cascade. I
want to look up that definition here. It's a process whereby something typically information or knowledge is successfully Passed on in a simple meaning a steep usually small fall of water Especially in one of series something arranged or occurring in a series or a succession of stages So that each stage derives from and acts upon the product of the proceeding.
So cascade, it means it's a continual fall. It will continuously go down. Okay. All right. So a cascade of information, that means a continual information of exposures of information. A cascade of information is about to flood the news reports. And your airwaves. So all of this is going to come down like a waterfall and it's going to come down so much.
It's going to flood it. It's going to flood our airwaves. It's going to flood all of the news reports because great destruction will bring to the Washington establishment and, or sorry, for their global tyranny.
Now, armament. Now I literally had to look after the Lord said, I kept saying this word armament and I'm like, okay, I should know what this word is, but I'm going to read the paragraph first armament. This word will be in your news for a significant reason. See who has been equipping your enemies and how many in your government are guilty of treason.
And I'm like, Lord armament. So I got up the definition to give out to you today. Armament, military weapons and equipment, the process of equipping military forces. For war so that word is going to be in the news and he says Armament now again the meaning of this word is the weapon equipment of a military vehicle ship or aircraft a military force raised and armed ready For war now, he's saying in this prophetic word when he said armament He said armament this will be in your news for a significant reason See who has been equipping your enemies and how many in your government are guilty of treason.
And I, I could not, like I was sitting there going. Okay, Lord, and there was just something in the news the other day that I don't know where it was. I don't know who said it that I saw like a little bulletin of a thumbnail. Our government is allowing illegal aliens in this nation to have a be able to carry a weapon.
Remember all the gun laws that they're trying to put up against us? And, you know, conceal the carry people carry openly. They want, they're trying to dis disarm us and everybody should perform, but they're saying it's okay for a legal immigrants who have come here illegally. That's why it's called illegal.
They come here legally and they're able to carry weapons by our law.
And I saw that and I was like, Lord, is this what you meant when that word the other day, and I went back over it armament. And I had to look up what that meant. This morning for you, I had to read this because I was like astounded at this word because I, I don't really care that word ever. That's why I was like, I have to ask him sometimes when he is giving me words that I really don't know what they're for.
But then after he gives me the, you know what he's saying, like it's gonna be in there for a significant reason. And he says right here, see who has been equipping your enemies, and how many in your government are guilty of treason? And then I looked up that word to give out to you guys. And I was like, well, wow.
Yeah. That would mean they're guilty of treason. They're arming people that are illegal. I can't, I can't even fathom that I can't. So again, God tells us what our enemies are doing and it gives us the news before the news. To show us what their enemies are going and what they're preparing for. He's preparing us for what their enemies are preparing for.
Then he says, mocking operation, mocking bird. I thought that was unusual as well. Operation mocking bird will be exposed coming explosive proof and all the corruption and manipulation coordinated attempts. By your intelligence agencies directed by the Washington establishment in the global regime The doors are about to be open wide in a flood of truth to prove their war of disinformation And chaos they brought to this nation to destroy it once and for all for their global control
so operation mockingbird will be Exposed and he's saying again intelligent agencies You have the three letter agencies that you keep saying that are going to be exposed, how they're connected to the Washington establishment and how they use this operation to destroy with disinformation and distract people, suppress the truth.
That's all going to come out. So listen for operation mockingbird to be exposed. Okay. Now my children, a great shaking is coming to the establishment that has been lording over this nation and is coming to an abrupt end. So the establishment of this country is going to come up. It's going to, it's going to end abruptly is what he's saying.
Next paragraph, more whistleblowers and border security are about to destroy the narrative of the Biden and his so called administration. He had me put this in bold. A paid. And planned attack orchestrated by the cabal trying to ruin your country. Oh, United States. Remember how he's been saying for the last two war, two and a half years that they were trying to do something of nine 11 style attack.
That was, that was far worse than that because it was going to be in all the, like the major cities around this nation. It was gonna make it look like 9 11 was a cakewalk. And I Am not undermining how bad that was. But they want this on such a greater scale. They want complete control, annihilation. If you have a terrorist attack in that many cities nationwide, guess what they can do?
And guys, but also warning us about it is martial law.
They want lockdowns. They want to tell you I don't have to say that. I'm not even gonna try to say that word now. I can think it in my mind, but I don't know how to say it the right, say it the right way. They want tyranny. They want total control. Okay. And so what they're going to try to do is also, if you have a civil unrest, if you have war going on, or if you have terrorist attacks, if all these things going on in your country, You don't have to have an election if you look to see what happens and it happened in Ukraine.
So that's why, you know, Zelensky is still in power. Now, I'm gonna read this again. A paid and planned attack orchestrated by the cabal trying to ruin your country, oh United States. All the money and all the participants are about to be put in the spotlight and the world will see it. Because God, or sorry, and put in the, put in the spotlight and the world will see that this was done by me.
Save the Lord of hosts. So, okay. Cause I, when I dictated it, I dictated it wrong. So I apologize. All right. You're about to be put in the spotlight. Who the cabal for all the world to see this, this, that this was done by me. So they're going to put it in the spotlight and the world will see. Because it was done by me, sayeth the Lord.
So God is saying he's putting the enemies in the spotlight for all the world to see what they've done. Then he talks about the Fannie, Fannie, Fannie, Fannie, however you pronounce her name. I don't care. In Georgia, Now he's talked about Georgia and prophecies. There are so many prophecies regarding Georgia.
You have to go to our website and see it. I don't even know how many he's been talking about explosive truth and information coming out of that state. And talked about the election as well. So, there's going to be an explosive things keep going to continuously come out of Georgia. I'm not done exposing his situation in Georgia with Bonnie Willis.
I will show how the Biden and all who are with him had their hands at all these indictments. And have their hands in election interference on a scale no one has ever seen before. I told you every thief must return what they have stolen. Now you remember right before the inaugur the FIC inauguration back in 2021, one of the things that Biden said was they had built the greatest Fraud ever in existence, the greatest, I don't know, company or whatever he said, I don't know if he said it, but he talked about how they orchestrated the biggest fraud ever known or wherever he put it.
I don't know exactly his exact words. He talked about the greatest fraud and he was saying it out of his mouth. And then you had lamestream media twisting and trying to, you know, just. Poopoo that away that he didn't actually say that what he meant what he said exactly what he meant He orchestrated the greatest fraud in this country Then he said then the Lord goes on to say so first I told you every thief must return what they have stolen They stole an entire nation, and not only is this nation being set free, but so is the seat of the president.
In unconventional ways. I have to read that again. They stole an entire nation, and not only is this nation being set free, but so is the seat of the president. In unconventional ways, the transfer of power and presidents will be done by me, saith the Lord of hosts. So remember what God has been telling us that we don't have to leave just trust and just our elections is going to be what he has told us over and over and over again.
That it is going to be a political reset. Now I got to read this paragraph again, because when he told me this, I was like, I got so excited about this. They stole an entire nation. And not only is this nation being set free. But so is the seat of the president in unconventional ways, the transfer of power and president will be done by me, says the Lord of Hosts.
So he's talking about how an election is not the one that's going to save you, don't trust in those things, you trust, rely on me, because I'm going to set the seat of the president free, and I'm going to do it in unconventional ways, and then I'm going to transfer that power to the president, and I'm going to be, and I'm going to do it.
And it's going to be done by me, saith the Lord. That's what he's saying. The Lord of Hosts. And he specifically said the Lord of Hosts in that paragraph. The Lord of Angel Armies. Because it's going to take an army in order to destroy this cabal, in order to set this nation free. Because you see, everything looks so impossible and it looks so horrible.
Next paragraph my children brace for a great impact that is coming of truth to destroy every lie of the enemy and their so Called power and control over you. I will show you the optics The staging the actors and how fake this charade was to pull off the greatest coup ever attempted upon this earth This is all about to end for all of you to see that there is no one greater than me.
So God is talking about how there is no one greater than him. And I want to read and look up unconventional once again, because he's been mentioning that so much lately. Unconventional, not conventional, not bound by or in accordance with convention, being out of the ordinary. And let's look up the meaning.
If you describe a person or attitude or behavior as unconventional, you mean that they do not have, behave in the same way as most or other people in their society. That's not. Let's look up synonyms. Let's see here. There was another definition. I thought, Oh, here it is. Different from what is usual or from the way most people do things.
That was what the meaning I was looking at. Okay. Unconventional. Different from what is usual. Or from the way most people do things, you'd say that a election is what brings a president into power or for a president who is incumbent to stay there. But God is saying right here, unconventional. He's saying it's going to be different from the usual or from the norm or from what way most people do things.
Remember God's a supernatural God. So before I go today, there are I just want to pray. I know that there are people questioning of what's going to happen. There are different stories coming out and there's different things coming out. Like doom and gloom. There's, there's, you know, God keeps giving us hope, but everyone else keeps giving us a gloomy and it's everything's gonna be a disaster.
What, what do we believe? And people, some people are getting in seriously, they're confused about what to believe. Well, God, remember is a good God and God's going to always give you the good report. Sometimes it may not be, you know, sunshine and roses. It may not be everything that you want to hear, but God is giving you the truth and that truth sets you free.
He's always going to give you the victory. And so if people are giving you defeat and they're giving you despair and they're giving you impossible situations, no way out. And that's what they're teaching on. And they're not saying, but God, and they're not saying God wins. And just like what Jesus said and John said at 1633 in the world, you have trials and tribulations and frustrations and distress, but be of good cheer.
So we didn't just stay with the bad part. He said, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world. I've deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you. So we have to have that focus on God that even though there'll be trials and even though there's a stress and frustration this earth, and even though it's going to look a little bit.
Where it's gonna look a little bit crazy for our time. God is saying that he's overcome the world. So no matter what it looks like, you read Psalm 91, no matter what situations in your life seem like, You just say, I thank you, Father God, you've overcome the world. I thank you, you've deprived it. It's a power of harmony, and you've conquered it for me.
And I thank you, Father God, for it. So, Father God, right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person, the sound of my voice right now, and if there is any confusion, and if there is any fear, we break it by the power of the blood of Jesus. Say, and I bind you from their minds. And whatever they have been taught and whatever that their mind is telling them by their thoughts or whatever things look like it's Overwhelming them in their lives and their circumstances and getting them to be distracted father god I thank you right now that they have a firm focused foundation on you.
I thank you father god that we have a greater Knowledge revelation knowledge on you as our fortress So we have a greater revelation knowledge as you are our stronghold. You are our high tower You are our protector. You are our standby. You are our healer You are our the God who nothing is impossible You are our provider and you are definitely our victory that people no matter what they're facing They have a greater knowledge of who you are father.
God. They have their For their feet firmly planning. And we are we have our feet strong and you father, God, that we will not be moved no matter what it looks like. I thank you that you've not given them a spirit of fear, but a power of a sound mind, that each and every one of them have a sound mind that they, they focus on you, father, God, and they know the truth, the word you are giving to us.
Those scriptures you are giving to us today, the revelation knowledge that you are giving us today, father God, that they are, they are focused on you and what you are doing and not what the enemies are doing. But they are fully awakened to that truth. And that truth is completely setting them free. And I thank you father God for protection and the shaking of this nation, no matter what it's shaking father God, it shakes us loose from the enemy.
And father God, I thank you for protecting president Trump and all who are with him. I thank you for protecting every person, father God, behind the scenes that are doing all these works to help us and this nation to help bring this nation back. One nation under God and who you are using father God, we thank for the protection.
Protection of the whistleblowers, protection of Father God, all of all your children, nation, nationwide and worldwide. Then if they have shaking in their nation that's going on, that they will not be moved and they'll be protected just like you did with the land of Goshen. And so we thank you, Father God, for our protection.
We thank you, Father God, that we will protect our joy that you are giving to us right now, because the joy of the Lord is our strength. And we thank you. But Satan can't steal our joy. He can't keep our goods. Amen. And so we will hold on to that joy. We will hold on to your peace. We will hold on and that rest in you, father, God, that you win and that there is no one greater than you.
And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Now, if you do have any prayer requests, Please write us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 E 53rd Street, Suite 200, Downport, Iowa 52807. And also you can go to our website at JGMInternational. org under our contact page. We would love to pray over you.
And I know that that some of our my moderators are writing those things down those prayer requests We are praying for you on a daily basis. And also when you're writing to us, we are praying over you We are here for you. And if you want any merchandise from julie green ministries, you can go to three suns threads That's three suns threads.
com and get your merchandise and join The enemies that God wins, and we are in the army of the Lord. So I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth sets you free.
God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day!
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