'Simmer Down Commie': Bernie Sanders Tries Lecturing Netanyahu And It Backfires Big Time

10 months ago

It really is amazing how some politicians think they have any right or authority to lecture Israel on how to defend its borders and conduct the war with Hamas (a war Hamas started, remember). But it sure doesn't stop them from trying. Bernie Sanders is the latest to flap his gum to Bibi about his 'illegal war policies' (illegal by whose laws?), and it does NOT go well for the commie from Vermont. At all. This is like saying 'I support XYZ, but...' -- anything before the 'but' is negated by the inclusion of that conjunction. Doesn't matter what it is. You can't say antisemitism is vile and disgusting and then chide Israel for defending itself against Hamas, which seeks to wipe the country off the map.

• More at: Twitchy - 'Simmer Down Commie': Bernie Sanders Tries Lecturing Netanyahu and It BACKFIRES Big Time

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