MEDIA SILENCE: The UK-Israel Deal You Know Absolutely Nothing About

10 months ago

Right, so despite everything the Israeli regime have done, it seems there’s no low in this ongoing genocide that will apparently prompt the UK government to do the right thing and take some proactive approaches to dealing with the scale of destruction and loss of life happening in Gaza, but now it seems there might actually be an explanation for that, because frankly I don’t know which is the more unbelievable issue here, what this Tory government actually did months before the events of October 7th that are now seemingly tying their hands, or the fact that the mainstream media have utterly ignored it, leaving it to be unveiled by independent media outlet Declassified UK and their excellent journalism because thank God there are some people in this country still capable of actual journalism, because we should have known about this over a year ago and they sure as hell didn’t do this in our name or our interests if they’ve kept it so damn quiet.
Right, so what have the Tories done Damo, what is it that explains their consistent acquiescence to Netanyahu’s regime?
Well it’s not news to say that Israel is considered an ally by the UK, we did have a hand in creating the now genocidal pariah state, but the extent of that alliance goes further than just warm words and the memorandum of understanding that was signed between the UK and Israel back in 2021, itself an appalling act, Israel was behaving then no better towards the Palestinian people and their lands that it occupies then as it does now, but last March, the Tories beefed that memorandum of understanding up to an Accord and everything we’ve witnessed since has been in line with that new Bilateral Agreement, that policy, named the 2030 roadmap for UK-Israel bilateral relations, published on the government website on the 23rd March last year, the same day it was signed by the Foreign Office and the Foreign Ministry of Israel and apparently nobody has ever noticed it and it is properly vomit inducing in light of everything we’ve witnessed over the last 6 months, but now we know it is this roadmap being put into practice that we’ve actually seen reflected in the actions of our government. Here’s an excerpt of the intro:
‘The bilateral relationship has never been stronger. Our 2 countries complement each other’s strengths. As freedom-loving, innovative and thriving democracies, Israel and the UK are proud of our deep and historic partnership. We are firm friends and natural allies.
In November 2021, the British government and the Israeli government, signed a Memorandum of Understanding elevating the UK-Israel bilateral relationship to a strategic partnership. This represented a signal of intent for both countries to cohere, deepen and expand cooperation across our mutual priorities for our mutual benefit. This roadmap outlines how this strategic partnership will continue to serve our collective interests.
This roadmap, which defines our bilateral cooperation until 2030, will serve as a ‘living’ document. Through regular high-level engagement, our bilateral relationship will continue to evolve as a more modern, innovative and forward-looking strategic partnership.’
Freedom loving democracies? For who? Deep and historic partnership, sure, it’s one of imperialistic colonialism. Firm friends and natural allies, because apparently our leaders are just as depraved as theirs are then? We have a government wanting to deepen and expand the relationship with Israel, when a majority of the public right now, would much prefer we divested from them instead, certainly globally we’re seeing that, the student protests largely happening in the US but not exclusively and the retaliation from the state against that, shows who’s side said leaders are on.
So what sort of things does this roadmap, which lasts until 2030, include then?
It quickly mentions security and defence co-operation, well we’ve seen plenty of that when it should be banned, our obligations under international law supercede this verminous piece of legislation. Apparently both are patriotic nations, go stick a flag in it. Naturally there’s a whole section devoted to antisemitism but there’s a particular paragraph in it that is a real stinker:
‘Tackling the disproportionate focus on Israel in the UN and other international bodies, including attempts to delegitimise it or deny its right to self-defence. All states have a duty to comply with their obligations under international law, but scrutiny must be measured, impartial and proportionate. The UK and Israel will work together to tackle the singling out of Israel in the Human Rights Council as well as in other international bodies. In this context, the UK and Israel disagree with the use of the term ‘apartheid’ with regard to Israel.
The UK and Israel believe that the latest ICJ referral on the Israeli- Palestinian conflict represents an inappropriate recourse to the Advisory Opinion mechanism as this undermines the efforts to achieve a settlement through direct negotiations between the parties, which remains the only viable path to a lasting peace.’
So apparently the UN are biased against Israel and the UK will stand against that, especially where people talk of its right to exist, which is a legitimate argument within law, as was raised when Nicaragua took Israel to the ICJ, or deny it’s right to self defence, which sadly under the same international law you claim to respect, doesn’t apply to people it occupies. But to actually attack the Human Rights Council for having raised issues and legislate that the UK will not recognise the term apartheid in regards to Israel is abhorrent. That is gut wrenching, Israel is an apartheid state, it oppresses another people based on an ethno-religious basis, writing no on a piece of paper doesn’t change that fact or other people’s acknowledgement of it. Crucially here, despite international law and therefore the initial rulings of the ICJ superceding this farce of a document, that is denied too. But there’s still more.
Another section is on Defence and Security and here, they devote a whole paragraph to Iran!
‘Iran: we work closely to counter the current threat from Iran, including the IRGC. We will work to ensure Iran never has nuclear weapon capabilities; we will seek to counter Iran’s destabilising regional activity, including weapons transfers, conducted either by itself or through proxies; and we will confront the threat posed to us both domestically. We support a stable, secure and peaceful region where all can benefit from the rapid advances taking place and closer social, economic and technological ties.’
Let’s not forget Israel attacked their consulate in Syria, there was a response from Iran, a limited one I felt all things considered, but what did we do? Defend Israel from Iranian attack despite that and claim the attack from Iran was unprovoked along with the media supporting who failed to report on this nasty grubby backroom deal with Israel over a year ago back in March of 2023.
There is a lot more to this, you can read up on a lot more if you look up 2030 roadmap for UK-Israel bilateral relations, but what I want to look at now is how this deal, this agreement has been implemented.
For one, the UK is tied to taking Israel’s side through everything we’re observing even now, though sas I said before international law should supercede it, yet clearly it isn’t by the actions we’re seeing. Despite having seen 40,000 dead Gazans, all manner of international aid workers, not least British ones, arms sales continued. Declassified UK have covered numerous other incidents that can be pointed at in line with this agreement too, with Israeli military aircraft visiting the UK for we know not what, military aid being sent out, and the use of the UK airbase on Cyprus, RAF Akrotiri, which the US have been using to fly weapons into Israeli via the Nevatim Air Base, which was one of the military target’s Iran chose in it’s return attack on the apartheid state. Israeli personnel are receiving training here in the UK, the RAF itself from Akrotiri has been flying spy missions for Israel.
Everything the UK has done leading up to October 7th, and since is in line with this document that you almost certainly will have had no knowledge of at all. It explains why the UK are acting how they are, but doesn’t in any way excuse that, or make it right. I’m also wondering what in all of this talk of bilateralism, we actually get out of this? Is it just arms sales and favourable opinion from the Israel Lobby or what?
Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised at this, there was similar wording and documentation when South Africa was subject to BDS in its apartheid era, something this document also makes known that the UK opposes, but also South Africa’s case against Israel at the ICJ has been opposed by ministers here and now too, how many times have we heard Tories say what South Africa is doing is wrong after all? Moreover as Declassified UK have also pointed out and discovered in their research, there is a secret government defence agreement with Israel dating back to 2020, which has never been published and therefore we don’t know what else this rancid bunch have agreed to behind our backs either.
It's no wonder international law is on its knees as it fails to be upheld, the ramifications of that failing and us all falling into potentially another world war as a result, the very thing these laws are meant to prevent, are clear to see and our governments are sleepwalking into it seemingly for no other reason than continuing to cosset a state that is committing genocide. It is disturbing stuff that governments are prepared to go to such extreme lengths for extremists and makes you wonder what other starts might have been doing too.
Meanwhile, as we continue to see those students kick off around the world at what is being done in their names that they do not want, the price of Zionism is a high one as this video recommendation showing the consequences for the national union of students and the million pound mess they’ve landed themselves in over it will tell you all about, possibly coming to US college campuses soon as well and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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