Hundreds of Migrants arrive by train at El Paso-Juarez border looking to illegally cross

9 months ago

Migrants again are riding trains to the El Paso-Juarez border by the hundreds, intent on seeking asylum in the U.S.

Images obtained by a Border Report camera crew show the arrival in Juarez, Mexico, on Wednesday afternoon of a lengthy cargo train with people packed tightly atop each boxcar.

The train was coming from Chihuahua City, where authorities recently disbanded hundreds of migrants staying in tents behind a convenience store next to train tracks. The migrants set up the camp several weeks ago because Mexican immigration officials got them off Juarez-bound trains.

One migrant told local news media he and some of his peers armed themselves with rocks to prevent agents of Mexico’s National Migration Institute from getting them off the trains, as the agents had been doing for the past several weeks.

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