Tough times for boomers could be worse for millennials

9 months ago

If you think baby boomers have it bad, how do you feel about the millennials, or the generation after them? I think they're up a creek!

One of the other topics of our Retire Y'all Radio Show this week was, it's been 15 years since "The Great Recession" and even though the economy has recovered, in some ways baby boomers are still feeling the impact.

However, I would argue millennials and gen z have it worse. They can't afford houses, the their paychecks at entry-level jobs are going nowhere. They're at universities where days after a terrorist attack in Israel, there are people demonstrating in support of the terrorists.

Remember when decency was on the ballot? At least that's what Joe Biden said. Well, I don't see a whole lot of decency.

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