3 Controversial PPC Hacks with Elizabeth Greene of Junglr

9 months ago

Two Amazon experts, Steven Pope from My Amazon Guy and PPC specialist Elizabeth Green of Junglr, joined forces to unravel advanced PPC techniques tailored to maximize your Amazon advertising efforts. They delve into the nuances of budget management, explore the efficacy of different match types, and discuss strategic placement percentages to boost product visibility and sales. This comprehensive tutorial is ideal for Amazon sellers eager to fine-tune their PPC strategies and elevate their marketplace success.

#AmazonPPC #PPCTechniques #DigitalMarketing #PPCStrategy

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00:00 - Introduction and Overview
00:05 - Advanced PPC Techniques with Elizabeth Green
00:31 - Technique 1: Budget Limitation in PPC
02:01 - Discussing Impact of Budgets on Organic Sales
03:30 - How to Manage Budget Caps and Bidding Strategies
06:48 - Importance of Strategic Budget Management in PPC
12:52 - Transition to PPC Match Types
15:03 - Discussing the Efficiency of Various Match Types
25:00 - Deep Dive into Placement Percentages
36:00 - Summary and Conclusion of PPC Techniques

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