Eric Dubay: What is The Best Way to Awaken People to Flat Earth!

9 months ago

In modern times, the idea that we live in a geocentric universe upon a level stationary plane Earth has been so marginalized, mocked, and ridiculed that even attempting to have a serious conversation about the subject usually results in nothing but a barrage of smirks, sneers, and sarcasm.

In some cases, people have even lost their jobs, reputations or relationships for daring to speak openly about this uniquely taboo topic.

Centuries of heliocentric pseudoscience pushed by the Royal Astronomical Society, NASA, and other official organizations along with the systematic censorship of geocentric science has resulted in a stigma where most cannot even consider the subject or have a respectful conversation about it.

Instead, the idea is immediately dismissed with utter disdain or exasperation, and the presenter treated as if they must be the most backwater ignoramus of the information age...

April 26, 2024

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