What Manner of Man with lyrics

11 months ago

What manner of man is this,
that even the wind and the sea obey him?
Such mighty works are wrought by his hands.
And the light that he revealeth shall not dim.

He called us to follow him,
for the Spirit of our God filled him with power:
proclaiming glad tidings of the kingdom to come,
until that dark and dreadful hour.

To the lame gave he swift feet,
to the deaf and dumb, ears and tongue,
to the outcast a family of everlasting love:
and a lively hope to which believers clung.

And the brokenhearted did he heal,
and the blind recovered their lost sight.
And such gracious words proceeded out of his mouth;
yet to spare his life he oftentimes took flight.

He came to set the captives free,
to set at liberty them that are bruised,
to preach the acceptable year of the Lord ~
yet most opposed him, and his message they refused.

But for those who trusted in him,
his death was the means to make us whole.
For he rose from the grave, so that we should rise too ~
and he sent his Spirit down to save our soul.

Then he went to the Father’s right hand,
where he sitteth on the throne of his grace.
And now he’s ascended, we shall hope in his mercy,
until again we see him face to face.

What manner of man is this,
who wields both the shield and the rod?
Never man spake like this man.
Truly Jesus is the Son of God.

© 2022 Shiyr Musick, all rights reserved

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