Psalm 83

10 months ago

Your Bible foretells a villainous alliance between Germany and the moderate Arab nations in this end time. The main purpose of this alliance is to destroy the modern descendants of ancient Israel! Understand what must soon happen in world events to bring this deadly alliance together.

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No nation has a war-making history quite like Germany. Whenever this strong nation aligns with a mighty worldwide church, watch out. Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire for the startling truth about the bloodiest church-state alliance of all time. Understand why Germany has so frequently sought help from a great false church. Prove that Germany will unite with this formidable spiritual force and resurrect its conquering past one last time.

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South. Your Bible warns of an end-time world superpower known as the king of the south, forecasting a sudden clash between this superpower and a German-led European beast. Once Germany, with the help of its more moderate Arab partners, targets our nations, they will turn their focus to Iran.

Study The King of the South to learn how Iran and its radical partners are fulfilling this prophetic role today by stirring up rage in Europe. Patience on the continent is running out, and soon the people will demand a forceful response to radical Islamic aggression.

The pages of the history books are stained with the blood of Muslims and Catholics struggling for control of Jerusalem and beyond. But these vicious wars are not just a relic of the past; they foreshadow the most violent confrontation yet between these two major world religions.

Also request a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s booklet The Lion Has Roared. The return of our Savior to this Earth is almost here. Until then, we can expect world events to deteriorate to the point of threatening all human life. The Prophet Amos wrote that our nations would be like a sheep that has been attacked—and only two legs and a piece of an ear remain! There is no stronger prophetic message in the Bible.

Study The Lion Has Roared to learn how God will protect His loyal people from the carnage and chaos just ahead.

You will also receive a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “A Mysterious Prophecy.” Discover which nations comprise the Psalm 83 alliance. Uncover their devious motive. See the need to watch Germany.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, The King of the South, The Lion Has Roared, and “A Mysterious Prophecy.” Order now!

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