How to use VDB Files with uVolume in Resolve Fusion 19

9 months ago

With the release of DaVinci Resolve Fusion 19 beta, we see some welcome new upgrades and new tools. One of the one's that caught my eye is the new uVolume tool. The uVolume tool allows you to import and manipulate VDB files directly in Fusion. I downloaded the new beta version a couple of days ago and thought I would put out a short video on some of the ways you can use and change the settings on this new addition to the USD tools.

As always if you have any problems or issues fell free to reach out in the comments and I will do my best to reply as soon as I can.

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If you would like to follow along here are the links to the project files:

Janga FX:

00:00 - Scene Setup
01:44 - uVolume Settings
06:55 - Explosion Settings

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