Wig Watch: Shamim Qureshi

11 months ago

Who is Bristol Crown Court Recorder Shamim Qureshi who is sitting on England's upcoming #sharia law trials? Qureshi gave a mother of two a 10 week prison sentence for noticing her cab driver was an illegal. But when ruling on a child abuse case, Qureshi gave the abuser no jail time and instead highlighted the abuser's mitigating factors.


Sarah Marshall, "Sheffield Crown Court: 'Evil' man found guilty of indecently assaulting girl, 11, handed suspended sentence", The Star, https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/crime/sheffield-crown-court-evil-man-found-guilty-of-indecently-assaulting-girl-11-handed-suspended-sentence-4401121

Stewart Carr, "Woman jailed for ten weeks after racist rant at taxi driver in Northampton", Northampton Chronicle, https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/crime/woman-jailed-for-ten-weeks-after-racist-rant-at-taxi-driver-in-northampton-4594629

#wigwatch #crimewave #bristol #northampton #todaysterriblejudge #todaysheadline #viralshorts #shortsviral #viralshort #shamimqureshi #qureshi #hebdo #bristoluk

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