The Abominable Heresy of Rep Rick Allen of Georgia

4 months ago

ANCHOR : Later in the hearing Republican Georgia Congress member Rick Allen brought up the Bible in his questioning of shaik he cited the Old and New Testament and asked Shafik wanted Columbia University to be cursed by God.

REP RICK ALLEN : Are you familiar with Genesis 12:3?

COLUMBIA U PRESIDENT SHAKIF : Probably not as well as you are, Congressman.

REP RICK ALLEN : Well it's pretty clear it was the Covenant that God made with Abraham and uh that Covenant was real clear uh "If you bless Israel I will bless you; if you curse Israel I will curse you." and then in the New Testament it was confirmed that,  "all nations would be blessed through you." So you you do not
know about that?


Apparently, the Jew-controlled State of Georgia's Representative Rick Allen thinks that when he sees the word "Israel" in the Bible, it means that Satanic devil-state that the embryonic New World Order One World Government of the Devil - aka The United Nations - created in Palestine. But he must gloss over in his foggy mind the fact that the demonic "messiah" the Jews rejected Christ for never came. And he certainly never established "Israel" in the Holy Land. And yet this Federal lawmaker and full-on fucktard Rick Allen thinks the Holy Bible commands us to love and adore these rat-faced vampyres and genocidists no matter what they do. Or God will curse us, he thinks.

Not only CAN Rick Allen go straight to Hell. 
He IS going to Hell. 
His unholy doctrine is torn straight from the Devil's playbook. And there can be no doubt that he knows it just as well as I do. Yes. I can smell a devil-worshipping Jew-loving AIPAC-funded Freemason from this far on the other side of the Mason-Dixon Line, folks. I can do a lot of things.

If this man was a Christian and knew what the Bible says, he would know that Israel today and forevermore is The Church of all of those who are Saved by Grace through their faith in Jesus Christ. That's who Israel is. Not these name-changing eastern European anthropomorphic rodents we stupidly call "The Jews." These Torah-rejecting Talmudists. This Synagogue of Satan.

These so-called Christian-Zionists (an oxymoron in any dimension of any universe) have abandoned Christ and now worship the unholy people and state of so-called "Israel" in His place. They have turned their backs on the Crucifixion of Christ as the central event in human history and replaced it with the distortions and outright lies of the holocaust mythology. I cannot peg it down for you, Dear Reader, in any simpler terms than that.  This is the Spirit of Anti-Christ laid bare.

When fat disgusting Jew Dennis Prager goes on and on about how outrageous it is to say that God broke his covenant with his chosen people over Jesus Christ, in a sense he is right. It is outrageous to say that. God is not a liar. God fulfilled His promise. 
The Christless Hebrews chose to reject God, not the other way around. He made it possible for all who are rightly condemned to Hell for their sins to be redeemed, but only by  faith in Jesus Christ. The Jews opted out. That's on them.  

After all, some Jews predominated at the founding of His Holy Church and were indeed martys for it, while others hatefully rejected Christ after demanding His death and calling down His blood upon themselves and their children. (So you can just shut up, Dennis Prager. You and the rest of the genocider Israel apologists. We've heard enough, son. You are really just making it worse at this point. My best advice is to remain docile, enjoy your potato pancakes and just get in the back of the truck when they tell you to. Pig.)

The Satanic freemasonry that infected Christianity in North America - "dispensationalism" is one apt name for it - has left us with a bunch of fat-faced, double-talking, terminally corrupt and compromised politicians like this moron Representative Rick Allen from the cousin-fucking State of Georgia. He doesn't even understand that when God's Word says that "All nations will be blessed through you." he is proving my point and smashing his own to smithereens. That blessing is Salvation through Christ, not genocidal war crimes against a captive population of young mothers and their children. Rick Allen, you are an idolator and your Soul is required in Hell.
With God-given discernment, we know a tree by the fruit it bears. Representative Rick Allen is clearly in the devil's pocket with the rest of the Satanic so-called elite. Enjoy your sweaty-palmed grip on your little lever of power while it lasts. Milk it like your momma's titty on the last day she plans to suckle ya. Might as well, boy.

Hell Awaits.



M O D U S   A R T S   G R O U P


Religion can be a bear trap
I've stepped into it twice
Jesus Christ is pretty cool
but his "followers" ain't so nice

The Churches are full of Freemasons
Who kneel and rise and sing
Yet believe Christ's simple message
Was a code for some Damned thing

They'll smile and nod and shake your hand
Then write your name in 'sacred' sand
At dusk stand sky-clad drinking blood
And piss your name away to mud

They'll pass you over but take your brother
He'll fuck a goat and kill your mother
Just to 'get ahead' in life
He'd cut your heart out with a knife

They'll bust you on some bullshit case
And taze you - bash you - feed you mace
And make you plead-out to get 'free'
It can happen to you - It's happened to me

Or else they'll form a circle jerk
Right in 'The Tomb' at Yale
The judge, your lawyer and the clerk
They'll let you rot in jail

They'll sell you food to make you sick
And sell you pills to "fix" you quick
And tax you half to fucking death
And drug you to your dying breathe

The Devil has his way for now
That much is sadly true
But don't despair - we'll breath clean air
Once the Devil gets his due


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