X8 - Lock-in Rewards UPDATE! l Meta Quest Platform

10 months ago

Lock-in Rewards UPDATE is HERE!

NEW: Lock-in Rewards!
Now you are rewarded for daily logins: get badges for completing matchmade games and exchange or collect them for awesome prizes!

NEW: Interactive weapon shop!
A new weapon shop that enables you to examine the available skins for sale and even test them by shooting at targets: get a good sense of it before making the purchase!

NEW: Match MVP!
At the end of each match, you will be displayed a screen with players' performances and match MVP!

IMPROVED: Tutorial!
A deeper sense of immersion with Sarai's voice lines!

IMPROVED: Team balancing!
When making teams, matchmaking rating is now taken into account!

EXTRA: External DLC Bundles!
DLC bundles, including skin items and official soundtrack, NOW AVAILABLE for purchase!

â—† Links:
Meta Quest: https://metaque.st/4aVuo6u
Official website: https://playx8vr.com/

Thank you to my supporters:
KeniziFam: https://rumble.com/c/YefuneKenizi

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