Kill Your EGO Before It Kills You

5 months ago

You have to kill your ego before it kills you.

If you are holding on to your knowledge, and the things you achieved, you will create a mental block and fail to grasp higher knowledge. You may get a degree in the best university in the world, work in the best company, have the best job, and be a pioneer.

But still, you don't know it all.

There's so much knowledge in this universe. If you are attached to your ego, you fail to understand and grasp higher things.

It's because of your ego, that you are stuck in life. It's because of your ego, that you are so attached to your trauma and are unable to let go.

Let go of the ego and watch your life transform. Only when you kill your ego, do you create mental space and the chance to absorb higher knowledge and facilitate character development along with immense growth.

Every day I wake up and make sure I kill my ego. Only when I killed my ego 3 years ago, did my life change. Only when I killed my ego, I could let go of all my trauma, heal from it raise my vibrational frequency, and manifest a change in my life.

The reason why I'm able to gain some hidden knowledge is because I decide to kill my ego. Every time I catch myself in immense pride, I decide to kill it only when I slay this demon called "EGO" I prevent that EGO from slaying me.

You can gain hidden knowledge, let go of your trauma, raise your consciousness, and manifest your desired reality. You don't need any books, tutorials, courses, or YouTube videos.

You already have access to higher knowledge, you just have to tap into your higher self. Get into a meditative state and tap into your higher consciousness, listen to your guardian angel.
You'll have spiritual downloads and realizations that shall grant you all the answers you are looking for. And use these solutions to align yourself and manifest your desired reality.

And all of these amazing things happen only if you :

"Kill your EGO before it kills you "

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