Myron Ebell on Unleashed with Marc Morano - 25 April 2024

10 months ago

GUEST OVERVIEW: Myron Ebell is the Chairman of American Lands Council and a Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the longtime director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment. He also chaired the Cooler Heads Coalition, an ad hoc coalition of over two dozen non-profit groups that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy-rationing policies. CEI and the Cooler Heads Coalition led the successful decade-long fight to defeat cap-and-trade legislation and more recently led the effort to convince President Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate treaty.

Mr. Ebell led the Trump Presidential Transition’s agency action team for the Environmental Protection Agency in 2016 and January 2017. Prior to joining CEI, he concentrated on federal lands and property rights issues throughout the 1990s while working at Frontiers of Freedom, founded by the late Senator Malcolm Wallop of Wyoming. He also worked for Rep. John Shadegg of Arizona and for the American Land Rights Association.

Mr. Ebell grew up on a cattle ranch in Baker County, Oregon. He earned degrees at Colorado College and the London School of Economics and did graduate work at the University of California, San Diego, and at Peterhouse, Cambridge University. He retired from CEI in 2024.

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