Strategies to Reframe and Redirect Your Internal Dialogue

10 months ago

Did you know that we give ourselves 60000 messages daily and most of these are not helpful?

They might even be abusive in nature like:

*Things never work out for me like they do for everyone else
*I hate my hair / thighs / skin (you name it)
*My boss has it in for me
*I am not good enough
*I can never do that
*I will never lose weight

These thoughts produce emotions, and these emotions get trapped within our cellular structure.

I call it ‘issues in your tissues’

Imagine for a minute what happens when you feel stressed or worried …… your palms get sweaty, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises.

This proves that what we think and say produces physical change.

If you are constantly stressed and overwhelmed or second guessing yourself, this creates pockets of stress within your physical body.

The role of an investigative healer is to find as many of these ‘black pockets’ as possible so they can be dissolved on the spot with positive healing energy.

As a result the client (you) can think clearly again, and you feel freer, lighter, happier and more confident.

You might even have lots of energy left at the end of a busy day!

If you want to accelerate your health, wealth and happiness, regular sessions with Pete or me will give you all the breakthroughs you need.

Today, I had a bit of fun and created a list of positive affirmations for you to play with.

These affirmations will boost the energy flow to your organs and systems and you will start to feel truly alive!

Have you heard of the saying: BONE DEEP?

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