America Is Fed Up With The Uniparty's Section 702- Jon Bowne Report

5 months ago

Biden Regime NSA Stooge Jake Sullivan wants you to know America that the White House "applauds the House’s bipartisan passage of legislation to reauthorize one of our nation’s most critical intelligence authorities, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)." Sullivan adds" The Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act ensures that the Intelligence Community has the tools that it needs to identify and disrupt threats to the American people from hostile nation states, terrorist organizations, hackers, spies, and more."

The boot on the neck total Surveillance State lording over the privacy of the Citizens of the United States will not be thwarted. But America has had a bellyful of the lies and bullying.

FISA's Section 702 continues to tighten its grip on the Bill of Rights of American citizens. Rep. Andy Biggs, attempt to impose a requirement for the FBI to obtain a warrant ended in a 212-212 tie vote. In a full display of uniparty rule, leading to Speaker Mike Johnson cast the tie-breaking vote against the amendment.

Know this, there is a special hovel in hell for those supporting this death by thousand cuts against the founding principles of the United States. Providence is wide awake and has lost all of its patience.

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