Understanding the Covid Agenda

5 months ago

Created over 3 years ago - this video looks at how the globalists' false pandemic (a plandemic) created enough alarm to bypass all safety protocols in mounting an effective response to the outbreak of what has been termed SARS COV2. Standard safety measures were abandoned, allowing experimental mRNA vaccines to go to market, despite warnings. Hidden from the public were numerous findings showing adverse and life-threatening effects occurring 3-6 months after administering mRNA vaccines. Leading doctors and researchers were sounding the alarm back then as they are now - as our understanding of this weapons system has matured - now pointing to a parallel deployment of nanotech graphene oxide into the bloodstream of literally billions today. It is nonetheless helpful to take a retrospective view over then entire rollout - particularly with respect to the PCR test kits which were ordered well in advance of the outbreak and have been proven to be contaminated with pathogens. This is a watershed criminal operation that continues to get exposed - plain to see by those who have eyes to see - and hearts to care.

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