Watch This Before Buying or Leasing a Car in 2024

10 months ago

In this video we sit down to pull back the curtain with expert Ray Shargel @ray_the_car_ guy who wrote in on our episode about buying vs leasing cars. He really breaks down the differences in buying or leasing a car. So which is the better option for you?

Some people like to drive new cars every three years, so they think it's better to lease a new car. Some people like to drive cars longer than those three years and take good care of their vehicle, so buying a car may be a better for them.

Leasing a car is generally better if you're the type of person who likes new cars every three years and may have a business where you can write off the vehicle. There are pros and cons to leasing a car vs buying a car don't miss as Ray breaks down the difference.

Watch the entire video to find out if buying or leasing works better for your situation!

Ray Shargel Instagram:

Born Broke Instagram:

/ bornbrokelive

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