David Charalambous Workshop - What to Expect?

10 months ago

A brief 10-min interview with David Charalambous on what to expect in the exciting workshop Saturday, April 27th, and two follow-up sessions with David on Saturday, May 4 and 18.

You won't want to miss this incredible opportunity!

Guest Speaker/Lecturer:
David Charalambous, UK - Behaviour & Communication Expert

Register for the course at:
for ongoing interactive follow-up sessions (May 4 and 18, 2024), the Apr 27th 2-hr workshop recording, 21+ step-by-step lessons, and resource pack prepared by David Charalambous for BC and Canadians.

David Charalambous, founder of www.reachingpeople.net, has 25+ years of experience studying behavior and communication. David will answer why many believe what they believe, why they resist the information we offer & how we can better reach them.

In Saturday's session, you will learn:
6 Key elements to help you communicate better.
5 Principles for successful messaging.
How to have effective conversations with people who have different beliefs.
How people's beliefs have been manipulated and how to start resolving this in ourselves and guiding others.

Also, learn why:
50%+ do not vote. Understand the structure of eliciting learned helplessness in society, its role in creating this phenomenon & how to effectively change this.

Are you a candidate for an upcoming election or currently helping a candidate?
Are you participating in messaging, either 1-on-1 or with materials to the public?
Are you sharing new important information with others for the first time?
Are you hesitating before having an important conversation?
Timely for BC as we move through an election year & communicate with many.

When you sign up, these additional videos will be included for you to watch at your leisure:
1) Getting your message through in conversation
2) Impactful messaging in flyers and posts
3) Understanding Invisible Influence and Behavior

Give yourself the tools to succeed.

100% of registration & donations go to David to support him for his important research & work globally.

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