Cute Baby Ocelot Loves Suckling Caretaker's Fingers

6 years ago

Babies are adorable little creatures and there is no greater joy than watching a baby. A baby can make melt even the toughest heart. What makes a baby tug at our heartstrings? A baby has only one description. Cute! We are not only talking about babies in the world of humans but animal babies also make the cutest pictures.

Take this baby ocelot for instance. It is such an adorable cub that was rescued when she was a little fur ball, and had to be hand-raised, but she takes the "hand" part very literally and loves nothing more than to suckle her caretaker's fingers, and would happily do it all day long! This baby belongs to the <a href="" target="_blank">cat</a> species and it is arguably one of the most beautiful among them. She is a real example of a newborn baby since her big eyes remain closed during the whole video and all she ever does is suckle her caretaker’s fingers. It’s an innate behavior in mammals and it is a way to soothe and keep her relaxed and it expresses the need to feel secure. Her short, sleek fur is grey and it is marked with both solid black spots and open, dark-centered rosettes, which often run in parallel chains along the side of the body.

Ocelot is also known as the “painted <a href="" target="_blank">leopard</a>” and it is twice the size of an average house cat, but significantly smaller than the “real leopard”. Its is a nocturnal animal that spends its days sleeping and in order to be able to hunt during the night, it has an excellent hearing and vision, and communicate with other ocelots in a low-pitched meows. They hunt their prey mostly on the ground.

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