Times are Terrifying; Full Metal Ox Day 1153

9 months ago

Full Metal Ox Day 1153
Friday 26, April 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1218

Times are Terrifying

It's officially time to Freak Out. Le freak, c'est Chic.

Ha ha. Just kidding. Every so often I gotta click-bait ya, just to see who's paying attention. Someone actually started off their report like that. Have you noticed a lot of Canucks are warning American viewers about the fragile US economy? Canada is in the toilet economically, according to my "sources" (which warn me against investing on their opinions, but will happily lead you to Canadian mining stocks.) When I lived in the Great White North, the exchange rate was very favorable to the USD. We earned in bucks and spent in loonies.
These are challenging times for sure. We are being lied to and manipulated. But ya know what? This has been occuring my entire life. The difference is now, it's out in the open. I've accepted it. I also know, (now) that truth exists. It exists beyond the physical, in the etherium. It deteriorates when it becomes "flesh" so to speak. When there are too many biforcations between truth and explanation. Truth explains itself by explaining itself. It's the one. The whole.
We get back to action on the Monkey Bars. H2020 is complete today. It's an interesting chronicle. If I hadn't recorded daily I'd have certainly forgotten a lot; especially those times I wore a bandana to shop.
Hindsight reminds me that Universe was with me laying out the path that led me to this point.
It's spiritual. Not religious. I owe no physical work-ship to an anthropomorphic deity that demands a 10% commission on my physical "wealth" or that I do no commerce on a particular day of the week.
It's becoming more of a partnership. Universe, (this is an earthly description) and our Trinity are in it together. Me in the physical realm, and the part of Me that is part of Universe, in the spiritual realm.
Everything is everything. In order to maintain our journey in this realm, we must keep the vessel in excellent operating order.
Get it? You will, if and when you need it. That's another truth. Have an awesome weekend.
No fear, Baby.

**HINDSIGHT 20/20 full length, uncut episodes. What were YOU doing in 2020? Catch up on what you missed.

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YouTube: We started our Spring season in Philly during SprINO season, (Spring in name only). It's been a month away from the gym. But we're back. More to come.

Session 20: Short and Rugged

Session 19
Philly Fitness Combo

Session 18: Awkward Moves to Improve

Episode 37
Status Quo

The Comeback Comeback: Season 4.0 Session 05 Monkey Bars

Returning to Strength
Episode 036

Hybrid & Wonderment
Episode 35

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: noxsoma@protonmail.com
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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