It Is Our Own Thoughts That Trap or Free Us

8 months ago

May 24 - It Is Our Own Thoughts That Trap or Free Us
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If our thoughts have trapped us in a world of judgment, anger, and chaos, then know, that it is also our own thoughts that can set us free. When we realize that only our thoughts can hurt us, we will stop directing our attacks outward and start working on challenging our own internal dialogue. When our internal dialogue becomes more reflective of the truth in us, of the loving energy that created us, it is then that the desires for judgment, anger, and chaos, will begin to diminish. For we are all One, and thus what we consciously or unconsciously think about ourselves, will be in one way or another projected onto this world. Our thoughts of Oneness/Love will help remind us that there is no one ‘out there’ to attack, and so no one ‘outside’ of us that can attack us. If there is no one you must defend against, then the ‘outside’ world once again becomes a safe, loving, and peaceful place. Once the ego’s illusionary thoughts cease to have effect on us, it is then when true freedom from them will be experienced.
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