Quotes from Musonius Rufus

10 months ago

Musonius Rufus (c. 30-100 CE) was a Roman Stoic philosopher who lived during the first century CE. He was born in Volsinii, Etruria, but spent most of his life in Rome. Musonius was known for his teachings on Stoic philosophy, particularly on topics related to ethics, human nature, and the role of women in society. He was a vocal advocate for the education of women and believed that they should be trained in philosophy and other intellectual pursuits. Musonius also emphasized the importance of practical application of Stoic principles in everyday life, and he believed that the ultimate goal of philosophy was to achieve virtue and happiness. Despite being exiled twice for his outspoken beliefs, Musonius continued to teach and write throughout his life, and his influence on later Stoic philosophers such as Epictetus is widely recognized.

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