😍 (Audio + Visual) Be A Happy Person Subliminal

10 months ago

The secret of good body, wealth, health and happiness is in my bio, be sure to see: 😍

Manifesting the life you want. This is a review page! 🧬 🚀 💵

The Language of Abundance: https://bit.ly/4bbd12j
The Billionaire Brain Wave : https://bit.ly/4dAWk1A
Quantum Millionaire: https://bit.ly/3WDHaCJ
the wealth signal : https://bit.ly/3yqalz1

Be A Happy Person Subliminal.

Text & Audio Affirmations:
Everything is going the right way.
I notice that things are getting better for me.
I am healthy, beautiful, and attractive.
I sleep great every night.
I laugh and smile often.
I always feel confident and relaxed.
Every day in every way I get better.
I have peace of mind.
I am so happy right now.
I am living my dream.
I am calm and strong.
I am open and honest.
I am who and where I'm supposed to be.
Life is a fun, glorious adventure.
Life is awesome, Life rocks.
Life is beautiful, Life is wonderful.
I have wealth and abundance.
I am excited, optimistic, and enthusiastic.
I live in the present and enjoy each moment.
I am inspired and motivated.
I am so grateful and fortunate.
I attract abundance doing what I love.
Everything is falling into place.
I am very creative.
I have patience and self-control.
I am filled with awe and wonder.
My body feels healthy and light.
My body and mind are healthy and strong.
My body radiates positive energy.
People respect and admire me.
I am uniquely awesome.
I am very generous.
I forgive everyone including myself.
I love myself, I love all people.
I always have more than enough.
Money comes to me from multiple sources.

Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to become a happy person. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that's more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both text and audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. There are no binaural beats or frequencies in this video.

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