24.04.2024 (1820, 1934 to 2025 & 2123) NEUK - Sprayed to Oblivion

9 months ago

Location: DARLINGTON, Co. Durham.
Was a very quiet day weather-wise: Overcast, Clear Blue and a little splurt that lasted about half an hour, in all.
Then an hour later, the Sky Criminals had hit hard, to the West and North of us, carried by NNW winds.

1) 1944 - KLM943 - KLM Cityhopper E190 (PH-EXD) @ between 35k to 36k ft.

2) 1951 - EZY51XV - easyJet A320 (G-EZTA) @ 35k ft.

3) 1959 - EXS93H - Jet2 B.737 (G-GDFP) @ 30k ft. est.

4) 2009 - EJU57HL - easyJet Europe Airline A319 (OE-LQI) @ 32k to 35k ft.

5) 2018 - EXS8CK / LS722 - Jet2 B.737 (G-JZBH) @ 35k ft.

6) 2019 - UPS224 - United Parcel Service B.747 (N622UP) @ 32k. ft.

Photo's are wrongly time-stamped. Add an hour ;)


Please don't discount "Chemtrails" and Weather Modification ("Geoengineering") before checking out the following:

1) " https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmselect/cmsctech/221/22102.htm ".
2) " https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/geo-engineering-research-the-government-s-view ".
3) " https://chemtrackerapp.com/ ".
4) " https://zerogeoengineering.com/ ".
5) UK Sky Watch, at " http://patchworkpencil.co.uk/uk-skywatch.co.uk/ ".
6) "The Dimming", by Dane Wigington.
7) "FrankenSkies" (2017), by Matt Landman.
Far too many other valuable links to fit in here.

Pilot's who deny Weather Modification is real despite all the Patents, Admissions and Visual Evidence, do NOT fly a plane that I want to catch.
Don't pilot's realise that when they spray us, someone else is spraying their family too?
Do pilot's really believe that Earth is a wet spinning ball, when their eyes, training manuals and aircraft's gyroscopes say otherwise?


On Facebook? Please visit "Worldwide Awakening", while they allow the group to exist.
Please see my previous "Roo63" uploads also. They feel alone.

1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 ".
2) "Roo63" on Odysee ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d ".
3) "Roo63" on Rumble ... " https://rumble.com/c/c-1400532 ".
4) "Roo63" on YouTube ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ".
5) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ ".
6) "Andrew Pilkington" on X (formerly Twitter) ... " @Roo63_Andy ".

a) Brand New Tube "Roo63" videos do not play, so no longer listed here.
b) (Y.T. EDIT) = YouTube upload. Only the video description is different. I cannot stop these mirrored videos without channel deletion.

I don't often get to read comments.

Videos are always Free to Share / Mirror etc..
Thank you.

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