The Choice Between Sanity and Insanity

7 months ago

May 22 - The Choice Between Sanity and Insanity
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Imagine having the choice between sanity and insanity and still choosing the insane. Only in an insane world could the choice for insanity be taught to us as sane. Every moment offers you this choice, between insanity and sanity, between the ego’s “solutions” of worry, stress, and anxiety, or trusting in God. When the moment is fully placed in God’s hands, worry, stress, and anxiety dissolve. Today when the ego once again insists that worry, stress, and anxiety are the sane solutions to our situation, instead let us offer completely and wholeheartedly that moment over to God and finally find peace. Today when the ego tries to sell you the insane as sane, stop and say to yourself: “Father/Mother I now release this moment over to You knowing that my highest will and Your Will are One. I now fully and without hesitation or reservation release the insane thinking the ego would burden me with and instead allow for sanity, I now make the conscious choice to value trust more than worry, to value Your Peace over my ego’s pain, I now, through free will, allow for Your Will to be done.”
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