Wheel of Fortune Justice Energy Vlog

9 months ago

Wheel of Fortune Justice Energy Vlog Title is from the date April 25, 2024 thus 37 which adds to #10 The Wheel of Fortune card rolling in with big change or Karmic change. The amplitude power of 11 gives us the justiice card may it be just and fair which it certainly is not in today's court system.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes today the first was a power of 7 at 1:15 AM UTC thus, we have the chariot swiftly catching up with the chariot. The second amplitude power of 11 came at 4{15 AM UTC thus, we have the Wheel of Fortune rolling ujp with a karmic change for Justice making it much better for us all. The quality power of # 9 the Hermit card tells us toretreat adn go within for inner wisdom. The frequecny average is 7.89 hertZ thus 24 which adds to # 6 The lovers card a harmonious relationship or coming to a Balanced agreement.

Therefore, we can say about it all is: the Wheel of fortune seeks Justice for a needed karmic change that the Hermit in his inner wisdom shared with the Lovers that their relationship be harmonious.

I Shared a bit of Meg Moonbeams astro today video and pulled a card from the Elementals Oracle deck. The breath card reminds us to breath deeply for breath is life, the word of power is from ancient greek Zoi which means life.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather news site:
Meg MoonBeam's The Dalit Astrology video:

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