New American Daily | Abortionists Rage Against Pro-life States

10 months ago

Roe v. Wade may be dead, but the battle over the lives of
the unborn is alive and well. Abortionists are raging against states working to protect the most innocent and vulnerable human beings. Today we talk about how the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing
Idaho v. United States, as the abortion death cult is targeting a state that has enacted laws protecting the unborn.

Also in this episode:

@ 21:34 | The CEO of NPR is a rabid feminist and globalist with strong ties to intel think tanks whose social media posts suggest mental illness.

@ 33:28 | The U.K. tried to oust African migrants — but then the globalists stepped in.

@ 48:24 |
TNA is sending a team to Romania, where nationalists from all over Europe and the United States are coming together to discuss how to Make Europe Great Again.


Linda Royall: Exposing the Abortion Conspiracy."

NPR CEO Hates First Amendment, Censored Wiki Content, Possibly Tied to U.S. Intelligence."

Read "'Make
Europe Great Again': Conservative Conference to Take Place in Romania Next Week."

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