Binary Decisions

10 months ago

Binary Decisions: The two biggest binary decisions in the history of mankind hinge on a little-known holy day in the Bible. These decisions are also tied to refusing the mark of the beast.

Our society struggles with binary decisions to this day. When King Solomon wrote there was nothing new under the sun, this is part of what he was speaking about. Since the Garden of Eden, mankind has wanted to have a magical third option where we get to have our cake and eat it, too. This is just not the case, particularly with matters of salvation.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is the day after the Passover. This holy day is established in Exodus 13 as a remembrance of what Yahweh did for His people when he led them out of Egypt. Observing this day is a sign on one's hand and one's forehead. That's a direct correlation to the mark of the beast. This means if you want to avoid the mark of the beast, obey the commandment. This also associates the mark of the beast with lawlessness. In both cases, the mark represents faith and behavior. Those who believe in Yahweh will obey His commands in deed and in faith. Those who don't will do the deeds of the beast.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is also the first day that Yeshua, aka Jesus, was in the tomb. These two events are tied together in God's plan of salvation, which I explain in the video. The Exodus is a huge illustration that we only have two choices: follow Yahweh into the unknown or remain separated from Him. Continuing to remain faithful to Yeshua even when the future is unknown is key to salvation.

Please enjoy this message which showcases how eternal life really does boil down to a binary decision. Please visit for more teachings about the faith once delivered to the saints.

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