Hillary Clinton Spreads Rachel Maddow's Story Of Ending Lunch Breaks For Child Workers

8 months ago

There was a big fuss back in March when Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders "rolled back" child labor laws, letting children younger than 16 get jobs. Now child labor is back in the news, and MSNBC's Rachel Maddow has got Hillary Clinton all upset about Republicans ending lunch breaks for child workers. We like how the headline is screen-captured without any information about when or where it's from. -- Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton: “Why are elected Republicans becoming indistinguishable from villains in a Charles Dickens novel?” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL3YSIoXkAUzm83?format=jpg&name=medium -- The Louisiana bill that Hillary is tweeting about here ends mandatory 30 meal periods for minors working shifts that are only 5 hours or less. It mandates a meal period for work periods that are over 5 hours. Here's the full text of the bill which was written by @LAFreedomCaucus member @RogerWilderIII. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL8QmfrW0AAjEgq?format=jpg&name=4096x4096

Of course, Clinton locked down replies. Why ask a question if you don’t allow responses simpleton? We don’t have child workers, Hillary. Why do you continually lie? Is it because you’ve nothing if you can’t turn something into a lie? I can't believe Hillary Clinton is trying to deceive the general public.

• More at: Twitchy - Hillary Clinton Spreads Rachel Maddow's Story of Ending Lunch Breaks for Child Workers
MSNBC: Louisiana Republicans vote to end lunch breaks for child workers

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