End the Border Crisis... Vote Out Ricketts NOW

10 months ago

It’s an invasion that Pete Rcketts and his friends planned.

They are not immigrants, they are illegal alien welfare whores, Cartel Gang members, and jihad terrorists that Pete Ricketts and his friends invited.

Biden did not parole anyone. These are enemy soldiers invading our country with Joe Biden and Pete Ricketts help.

They are not immigrants and the acceptable number is... deport all of them and their anchor babies.

He wasted Millions of dollars to send the Republican Guard to the border for diaper duty.

That’s a lie these illegals are first in line to get free stuff.

That’s a lie, Pete Ricketts flooded Nebraska with illegals.

This idiot wants to finish the wall with empty old shipping containers.

And the best way to end the Border Crisis, that Petey and his boyfriends caused is to Vote Out Pete Ricketts, The lying, Two-Faced, White Trash Globalist Wannabe Stooge.

#petericketts #nebraska #election #nebraskaelection #cheaptricks #CheapTricksRicketts #teamricketts #border #borderbriefing #borderbriefingtour #voteout #nebraskaelection2024 #votenebraska #nebraskavote #senator #senaterace #visitnebraska #wedontdcoast #givingtuesday402 #idiot #loser #phony #terrible #worstever #moron #cheap #trick #stupid #fraud #jokes #joke #pete #ricketts #scumbag #whitetrash

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