Jill Dando twenty years on, commemoration ✝ Interview with...

4 months ago

Jill Dando twenty years on, commemoration ✝
Interview with award winning investigative journalist Don Hale, author of many books.
Jill Dando was accumulating information on a paedophile and sexual abuse ring of about five or six employees within the BBC that included Britain’s most prolific paedophile Jimmy Savile – how senior BBC managers didn’t want to know, and how shortly before her death she and other staff received death threats: senior police at MET didn’t want to know – leads ignored by police.
Man with learning difficulties Barry George fitted up by DI Hamish Campbell leading to a miscarriage of justice; this week’s appalling and insulting ’20th anniversary commemoration’ TV documentary ‘The Murder of Jill Dando’; current national VIPaedophile inquiry into child sex abuse (IICSA) once again kicking the investigation of these elite criminals into the long grass – Don Hale gave evidence to IICSA but was cross-examined in what he describes as a ‘hostile environment’; he interviewed whistleblowers from MI5, the MET, and Special Branch requesting immunity from the Official Secrets Act (OSA) – Theresa May did nothing so these whistleblowers have not been able to testify; Northampton police gave false evidence against Don; Don’s KGB source had info on honeytraps but was shocked to find key people weren’t interested in women,they wanted sex with boys and young men, so they spied on the Westminster paedophiles and built up a large file on Westminster VIPaedophiles; Don’s latest book is ‘Murder in the Graveyard’; www.donhale.co.uk
Tony Gosling

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