Who’s to Blame When a Mother Starves Her Baby to Death?

7 months ago

4/26/24 “Approaching the Boiling Point” part 3 S4E12p3
I consume a lot of unfortunate and even sickening news stories to produce this program, but every once in a while the sheer wickedness of humanity just floors me. When I read about this mother who abandoned her baby and let it starve to death alone while she went on vacation, it troubled me so much I knew it would be on this program for days before I knew what I wanted to say about it. We’re concluding our week-long episode about the world’s rapidly approaching boiling point by using this murderous mother’s stomach-turning story as an example of the natural end-result of what we discussed on Monday and Wednesday. Thanks for ending your week with us as we ask the surprisingly complex question, “Who’s to Blame When a Mother Starves Her Baby to Death?”

We at Something’s Happening Here are vocal proponents of Daniel 11 being fulfilled in our time. This week we look at a spiritual crescendo of events as further evidence of why.

Season 4 Episode 12
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