A Special Message From Albof Wankler

10 months ago

This is a special message from Prime Minister of Australia Albof Wankler.

Albof's feelings have been hurt so he is using his George Orwell 1984 Ministry of Truth Fascist Communist Dictatorship Censorship "Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023" to attempt to remove all 'offensive' content and memes from social media and the internet.

Unfortunately for this colossal haemorrhoid, he has broken the law in his own censorship bill and therefore now can and should be charged.

This Bill attempts to call anything and everything that the Government doesn't like misinformation and disinformation and they get to decide what that is defined as. They are also exempt from the Bill themselves including main stream media.
However, these imbeciles also have exempt COMEDY, PARODY, SATIRE AND ENTERTAINMENT from the censorship bill! Yes, this means MEME's are also exempt since thats the very definition of a meme- comedy and satire!!!

The Australian Government has now opened a pandoras box that allows any and all Australian unfettered ability to take the Government down by doing what we do best.... taking the piss!!

Let the MEME wars begin!!! Enjoy the show.

This is an extract of the Definitions on page 4 of the Bill:

Excluded content for misinformation purposes means any of the following:
(a) content produced in good faith for the purposes of entertainment, parody or satire;
(b) professional news content;
(c) content produced by or for an educational institution 16 accredited by any of the following:
(i) the Commonwealth;
(ii) a State;
(iii) a Territory;
(iv) a body recognised by the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory as an accreditor of educational institutions;
(d) content produced by or for an educational institution accredited:
(i) by a foreign government or a body recognised by a foreign government as an accreditor of educational institutions; and
(ii) to substantially equivalent standards as a comparable Australian educational institution;
(e) content that is authorised by:
(i) the Commonwealth; or
(ii) a State; or
(iii) a Territory; or
(iv) a local government.

To download the full Free Speech Censorship Bill and read it for yourself, see here:

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