Spray Paint Street Artist Designs Jaw-Dropping Painting

6 years ago

Aerography or airbrushing is a technique for applying artistic images to different surfaces with a liquid or powdery dye using compressed air. Drawings are applied using a special device, which is called an airbrush. The airbrush (in general it is a spray) provides a continuous stream of paint. The width of the jet is adjustable - so you can get rough strokes and smears thinner. After applying the paint, the pattern is allowed to dry and then covered with several layers of fixing varnish. This pattern becomes indelible.

Aerography or spray painting is used professionally, as a business, for painting on cars, also the drawing of mobile phones, refrigerators, computers, skateboards, nails in cosmetic salons etc. The common denominator in the given examples is that aerography becomes an important branch of the modern arts that is applied everywhere. Many newcomers perfect their skills on tiny surfaces or amaze passers-by with their amazing street art spray painting performances, like this one in the video at the top of the page.

This video shows the process a NYC street spray paint artist finishing a painting from beginning to the end. All he starts with is a blank surface, methodically applying layers of spray paint. For executing the geometric shapes the artist uses empty cans in various sizes which are to prevent the spray paint contact the surface that needs to remain lighters, as well as painting knives remove the excess paint at giving depth to the beautiful picture. It is truly mind-blowing.

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