AWK-4.24.24:First arrest speculation-Enemy losing cases-Key to White House?EO signed again-Ad Free!

8 months ago

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I’m a fan of LT from And We Know. Here’s the latest episode without ads. Enjoy! ;- )

Episode Description:
CNN is now comically bringing up actors from Pedowood like Michael Douglas to explain to the sheep
This is their playbook. Everything that happens in Nebraska is brought forth in this country and the world on an even grander stage, at times.
The Franklin Scandal Deep Dive
FBI Codename For Trump Classified Documents Investigation Revealed
He is actually trying to blame Tucker Carlson for conservatives not wanting to support the never-ending money laundering campaign in Ukraine.
President Trump’s plan to reclaim our colleges and universities from radical Marxists and ensure America’s students receive the education they deserve.
🔥The People's President.
History According to Joe Biden

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