Word Salad Sovcit Methy Munday

10 months ago

Ricky L Pinzon doesn’t understand Laws. He is a vexatious litigant crybaby who floods the courts with meaningless motions, multiple restraining orders, paper terrorism. Incomprehensible word salad sovcit Pseudo street law beliefs.

What this sovereign citizen domestic terrorist doesn’t understand is due process. Because he doesn’t understand how laws work.

Ricky L Pinzon will cry and whine for 3 years about his misinformation being corrected. He filed 56 false copyright claims and still has failed to produce any evidence he owns a single copyright.

What he wants is to illegally obtain my private information (phone, addresses, medical records, voting records, property records) to doxx my address. Including dead family members.

Ricky L Pinzon has done this numerous times. He has become very frustrated he cannot publish my current address so his FTP gang can continue to vandalize, cut fuel/brake lines & graffiti property.

Ricky L pinzon likes to post the information he perjured himself obtaining, to his organized criminal gang of drug dealers, shady mechanics, felons and vandals.

In one instance, ricky L pinzon posted incorrect address he got from a paywall site. That address burned down. Ricky L Pinzon would then make numerous jokes about arson and harass his neighbors after a fire.

Ricky L Pinzon is considered mentally ill by his local law enforcement. I’ve been told he and his organized criminal gang are being monitored by numerous law enforcement agencies.

Ricky L Pinzon has threatened bodily harm numerous times and has admitted that to FBI agents. The mentally ill ricky L pinzon, makes threats to shoot me with firearms. A 2 time convicted felon is not allowed to be around any weapons.

Ricky L Pinzon makes contact with the people he stalks and cyber harasses through sock accounts or, throw away accounts impersonating others. Ricky L Pinzon has been blocked on all social media platforms since 2017.

Including many gang members of his YouTube following. Many going out of their way to stalk and post misleading information in multiple threads and social media. I just block the many attempts to communicate.

In 2023, Ricky L Pinzon claimed he was sexually assaulted and perjured himself to a Clark county judge. How are you sexually assaulted by someone you have never met or, spoken to? That was also tossed out of court.

Ricky L pinzon now claims he has filed a 3rd lawsuit and restraining order because he hates free speech, the first amendment and opinions of him online. I have yet to be informed of any such thing.

Ricky L Pinzon has had many beefs with many more successful activists than him. Usually accusing them of hacking his paypal, computer or, stealing his misinformed videos he posts to YouTube. Ricky also doesn’t understand fair use laws. Ricky L Pinzon is desperate for clout and attention.

And money. We investigated ricky L pinzon 2 years ago. It was determined he cashes checks at a check cashing place to avoid paying his many debts. He has no job. He is on government assistance. It would cost more to get his meth/cocaine trafficking and ebegging money than it’s worth.

He’s also a deadbeat dad on welfare. I can’t think of a more despicable human being. He has beaten his baby mama (permanent protective order) and lets another man raise his child.


Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP suit) refers to lawsuits brought by individuals and entities to dissuade their critics from continuing to produce negative publicity. By definition, SLAPP suits do not have any true legal claims against the critics. People bring SLAPP suits because they can either temporarily prevent their critics from making public statements against them or more commonly to make critics spend all of their time and resources defending the SLAPP suits. Given their ability to stop individuals from exercising their right to free speech, over 30 states have adopted Anti-Slapp statutes that make it easier for defendants in SLAPP lawsuits to have the case dismissed at the outset, before spending lots of money on attorney fees. In egregious SLAPP cases, an Anti-SLAPP statute may even require the plaintiff to pay legal fees of the defendant.

Enjoy your coal in your stalking. 🌽

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