The multi-talented entrepreneur Peter RajaRam of Exotic Muscle is my very special guest!

10 months ago

Multi-talented actor, athlete, dancer, bodybuilder, author, model, entrepreneur Peter RajaRam of Exotic Muscle talks about his amazing career and his release “The Fountain of Youth Series” featuring “The Body”, “The Mind” and coming soon “The Soul”! Peter talks about his journey born in British Guyana and moving to Canada in ’62, becoming involved in sports with volleyball, baseball, karate, and later becoming a bodybuilder with Exotic Muscle and owner of 3 hair salons, later becoming an author discussing his background and upbringing into an easy-to-understand story about bodybuilding, aging, weight, proper training and more! Check out the amazing Peter RajaRam and his releases on many major platforms today! #peterrajaram #actor #bodybuilder #entrepreneur #exoticmuslce #thefountainofyouth #thebody #thesoul #themind #britishguyana #canada #hairsalon #bodybuilding #aging #weight #personaltraining #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerpeterrajaram #themikewagnershowpeterrajaram

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