Building A PRS Skills Stage Barricade Wall!!

10 months ago

This video I wanted to show off and share this PRS Skills Stage Barricade Wall that I built. As I have been talking about in several of my videos, my weakest point right now is during the positional stages. I'm still not great at getting set up quickly and having a solid, stable position to engage targets from. I need to work on this the most currently. I found this in the PRS rulebook they call a Skills Stage. It sounds like most ranges will have a wall like this and run one of three stages from it. I figure if I can get better at doing things like this, I will be able to move up a bit more in my finishes!!
The idea is that all the ranges will have one stage that is the same no matter where the range is. Some places have mostly positional stages, others are mostly prone with a few positional. By having a consistent stage, there will always be one stage that competitors can gauge their performance on a set, predictable metric.
So, as me and my dad were building this, I burned my face, lol. I tried to be helpful while he was welding, so I got some eclipse glasses so I could hold the metal in place for him. I didn't think about the bright light coming from it, but the next morning my face was very burned!! It's ok, feel free to laugh at me! Remember to wear the proper safety attire when welding!!

I took the weekend off from actually shooting at my range. I know in the long run, having this built will do more for me than one more weekend of trying to practice the same things I've been doing. Now that I have this built, I can set up a few different stages on my place and work on moving from position to position. I will be testing a few more bag options and ways to set up on the barricade in future videos.
Make sure you are subscribed so you can see how those test work out!! I'd like to have you join in and follow along as I work on improving these skills!!

Thanks for watching what I did here. I hope you have a great day and an awesome weekend!!

This is a private range. All shooting is done in a safe, controlled environment with no people or dwellings within miles to be at risk.

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