TASOWN EPISODE SIX: Black and Red Friday

10 months ago

This Negro Friday, we relax from the A-Log Cabin in the scenic Escanaba wilderness.

We talk about the FBI's saturday fishing trips with Blood Tribe and NJP. Are they really THAT different? Do their shitty ops actually work? And if they do, what is the benefit?

Exactly how much cringe can you fit in a two-minute video? With the help of Christopher Polhaus and Blood Tribe, we may have the answer to that question.

Then, dive down into the Mark Nuttycombe rabbit hole with us. Who is Wiley, Morraiku's old co-host and close personal friend? Why is he in jail?

We wade through the swamp of drama and LARPing so you don't have to!

Talk turkey with us on black friday.
Wishing you a very pro-White Thanksgiving and a refugee-free weekend from the staff at TASOWN.

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