501(c)3 Corporation$ you refer to as "church"

9 months ago

Thanks for watching,
I hope you learn something.
Maybe Americans will pull their heads out of their asses and stand up and overthrow this criminal corporate overlay, who like to lie and refer themselves as ("government”, Nation, America).
Africa, was successful in overthrowing Colonialism.
India, was successful in overthrowing Imperialism.
When will the Native People's of North & South America, overthrow Colonialism$?
When they stop sucking the Pope's dick praying to these fake ass gods and using their fake a$$ monetary system$!
I want to send a special FUCK YOU to the “Navajo Nation”,
for en$laving the true "Dine' Nation's People", with their birth Certificates and compelling the use of the social security numbers (a felony under 42 USC 408(a)8 )
to become tribally enrolled into the NAVAJO NATION ...
committing genocide against the Dine' Nation's People!
just another criminal corporation, which is
overseen by the Holy See (Vatican) which runs and operates all of these
By use of their "graven image"!!!


the Bible was books compiled by the Nicean Council in 325 A.D.
to appease it's jew captives so that they would pay tax unto Caesar!

I have a grand idea,
seeings you people wish to pray to a god from the Middle East
why don't you all go back there to do so!

Funny how you dumb asses forget why you fled that continent to begin with

You fucking idiots!

You come to Turtle Island
You morons could have created a real brave new world
you dumb fucks recreate that which you just fled!

& people wonder why I am rude,
I'll tell you I strive to keep the rude in Trudell, when I deal with religious zealot debaucherous : Cane+Able=cannibal
blood drinking flesh eating in rememberance of
"HIM" ("Earthpig" -Hebrew for Jesus)
stupid fucking Vampires!!!

Ya I said it
& I meant it!

I wake up & stomp through the fucking idiots everyday!

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